Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV

(Please comment if you don't like how it changed POV's last chapter) 


Shoto had said something strange to me earlier, that I didn't quite understand

"That's not the only beautiful view."

Or something along the lines of that.

Maybe he was talking about the families.. or the forest around the park?

He was right though, so many beautiful views, I could have sat in the ferris wheel for days.

But sadly, that could not be done.

We had gotten off the ride and everyone starting saying their goodbyes.

Bakugou and Mina left together, since they lived very close to each other.

"Bye cuties!" Mina yelled out while walking backwards, beginning to part.

Bakugou didn't say anything, he just waved.

They walked off into the raven sky and the farther they got the more they transformed into silhouettes.

Then left Shoto, Denki, Ejiro and I.

Denki and Ejiro were talking about how rude Katsuki had been all night.

Which didn't make sense since he was always like that, but that doesn't matter, i'm overthinking.

I glanced at Shoto and he was on his phone. 

The light reflected onto his face from his phone, illuminating his whole face so I could see his features clearer.

I noticed his scar over his eye more clearly. 

It looked like a burn scar.. i think? Well, that's what I learned in the science class I took last year but i'm not sure.

I hadn't realized, but while dozing off into Shoto's scar I moved closer to get a 'better look'.

He snapped his head toward me and took his eyes off his phone.

I was frightened by the quick movements, although I stayed silent and denied to speak.

Shoto turned his head the opposite direction so I could no longer see his mark.

"I know. It's strange isn't it?" He stated, turning his head back towards me and gently pointing to his scar.

I jumped back and shook my hands swiftly.

"What?! No, that's not what I meant! You are wrong and, and-!" I continued mumbling.

I'm such an idiot! I thought his scar was cool, why would he say that!

After the slightly awkward encounter with Shoto I turned my attention back to Denki and Kirishima.

But to my surprise, they were gone.

I nudged Shoto's arm with my elbow and began saying "Did they leave?"

He looked up from his phone to see.

"I guess, I didn't see them leave, but they must have."

I sighed and began fidgeting my fingers and picking at my nails.

My mother told me I did that when my 'anxiety was rising'.

I bit my lip preparing to speak.

"You said you had to leave after this ride.. and everyone else left, I guess you should get going now..."

He once again, looked up from his device and frowned.

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