Chapter 5: The Королевский особняк (Queen Mansion)

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(I decided to put the Russian at the start of every chapter title because Russia was a really important part of Evelyn's five year hell. Also, it's pretty cool to do the chapter titles in two different languages). 

We entered the Queen Mansion. It was exactly like I had remembered it. The front foyer, with all the photos of our family on it. Photos on the walls, near the two staircases that ascended to the top bedrooms. 

'Your rooms are exactly as I left them,' Moira was saying. 'I haven't had the heart to change a thing.' We stepped up to a middle aged man with a tiny goatee. He stepped forward, offering his hand to Oliver. 

'Oliver, it's damn good to see you,' he said with a thick accent, which I could only assume was British. Oliver looked confused. 'It's Walter. Walter Steele.' 

'You remember Walter, your father's friend from the company.' The two shook hands. He walked past her and Moira to the maid. I smiled as I recognised who it was. She smiled at me and spoke with that accent. Russian, I thought. 

'Welcome home, Mr. Oliver, Ms. Evelyn. Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner.' 

'Wonderful,' Moira said. Just then a door opened and closed and I flinched at the sudden sound, grabbing onto Oliver's arm. He looked at me and nodded reassuringly. I caught the cue and released my hand. We looked over at Moira and Walter, who had noticed the rather-tense exchange. 'Oliver?' Moira asked. Oliver walked towards the staircase. 'Did you hear that?' 

'I did,' I mumbled under my breath. A teenage girl ran down the stairs and launched herself into Oliver's arms. 

'Hey, sis,' he greeted, a smile growing on his face. 

'I knew it. I knew you were alive,' she said, with a smile on her face as well. 'I missed you so much.' 

'You were with me the whole time.' Then, seeing me, she ran towards me and nearly tackled me in a hug. 

'Thea, I missed you. I really missed you, Speedy.' She laughed and buried her face in my neck. She pulled back. 'You've grown so much. You're like, what - as tall as Mom as now?' She giggled and hugged me again. 

                                                                        -Time skip-

I stepped out of the shower, the towel around my body, my bare feet squishing down the soft carpet below. I moved to the full-length mirror and looked into it. Water dripped down my wet, long, straight hair onto my bare shoulders. There were multiple scars on my shoulders and for the most part, near my chest. I held the towel tighter around me, knowing I could feel the scars around my back. Getting dressed, I continued to notice my scars. Just then I heard a voice. 

'Ms. Evelyn, dinner is-' It was Raisa. I heard her audible gasp. I turned. I was now wearing a bra and comfortable skin-tight leggings. 

'Raisa, you don't have to see this,' I said, walking towards her. 'Мне жаль (I'm sorry),' I added in Russian. 

'Что с тобой случилось, дорогой (What happened to you, dear)?' she asked. 

'Ничего страшного, Раиса (It's okay, Raisa).' I smiled sadly. 'It's just my scars,' I added in English. I wrapped her in a hug. 'It's okay. I'm sorry you had to see that.' She stood back and put her hand to my cheek. 

'You've grown so much, Ms. Evelyn.' 

'How many times must I say it: please, call me Evelyn. Or Eve. You used to do that when I was a kid.' She smiled softly, then turned to leave. But before she did, she turned around and spoke. 

'Dinner is ready soon.' 

'Thank you.' She left the room, shutting the door, leaving me to finish changing. I put on a navy blue, long-sleeved blouse, then a black jacket over it. 

                                                                              -Time skip-

We were all seated in the dining room for dinner. Thea, Moira, Walter, Oliver and even Tommy Merlyn were there for dinner. I kept looking around, seeing everyone so happy with mine and Oliver's return to society. Tommy was speaking. 

'Ok. What else did you two miss? Super Bowl winners... Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and 'Lost'. They were all dead... I think.' 

'What was it like there?' Thea asked, looking from Oliver to me. I cast my eyes down. Oliver, seeing my discomfort, spoke. 


'Tomorrow, you, me, and Ellie-bear, we're doing the city,' Tommy said. 'You've got a lot to catch up on.' 

'That sounds like a great idea,' Moira said. 

'Good. Then I was hoping to swing by the office,' Oliver chimed in. I looked back up, remembering the weight of the company that our father had left Oliver with, much less me. Walter was about to take a sip from his wine, then spoke. 

'Well, there's plenty to time for all that. Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere.' Raisa walked towards the table and was about to set a bowl of pears on the table, when she tripped, nearly spilling the bowl. Oliver grabbed her, setting her upright gently, and took the bowl from her hands, setting it on the table. I raised my eyebrows, not used to seeing this side of Oliver. In fact, I'd never seen this side before, if there was one. 

'Oh, I am so sorry, Mr. Oliver.' 

'Не беспокойся (It's no worry),' he said in Russian. Her eyes flickered between Oliver and I, trying to discern what exactly had happened to us during our time away. 

'Dude, you speak Russian?' Tommy asked. In fact, I think all of the people at the table were stunned. 

'I didn't realise you took Russian at college, Oliver,' Walter said. Oliver turned to him and with a calm-as-can-be look on his face, he spoke softly. 

'I didn't realise you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.' I nearly choked on my water and Tommy pounded my back from where he was sitting next to me, making me flinch visibly and recoil from his touch. He looked shocked and backed away. 

'Oh, sorry,' he mouthed. I nodded. My mom looked around the room, her eyes settling on Thea, then on Oliver, then on me. 

'I didn't say anything,' Thea argued. 

'She didn't have to,' I said once I recovered from my coughing fit. My mom gave a sigh. 

'Oliver... Walter and I are married, and I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to disrespect your father.' 

'We both believed that Robert, like you,' Walter said, 'was well, gone.' I bit my lip and looked down. Oliver spoke next. 

'It's fine,' he said, his voice strained. 'May I be excused?' He stood up as Mom nodded and he left the room, patting Tommy on the shoulder. 

'Hey, don't forget about tomorrow, buddy,' Tommy called out to him. He said nothing, only went upstairs to his room. I sighed and put my napkin down on the table. I looked at my food. I hadn't really even touched it. Mom was looking at me. 

'Are you alright, sweetheart? You haven't even touched your food.'

'No. I - can I be excused? I'm really tired.' 

'Sure, darling.' I got up from the table, rubbing my forehead. 

'Night, Thea. Mom. Walter. Tommy.' I smiled briefly, then hurried out of the room.

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