Chapter 13: Felicity Smoak

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Oliver Queen's POV

At Queen Consolidated...

I walked into the I.T. office, where I saw a pretty blonde girl working. She turned, and she had a pen in her mouth, staring at some notebooks. I cleared my throat to get her attention. 

'Felicity Smoak? Hi. I'm Oliver Queen.' She looked absolutely blown away by me being here. She was quite pretty though. 

'Of course,' she said. 'I know who you are, Mr. Queen.' 

'No. Mr. Queen was my father.' 

'Right, but he's dead. I mean, he drowned. But you didn't, which means you could come down to the I.T. department and listen to me babble.' I smiled. Evelyn would like her. 'Which will end. In 3... 2... 1.' I handed her the computer that Evelyn, as Athena, had taken from Floyd Lawton, aka. Deadshot. 

'I was having some trouble with my computer and they told me that you were the person to come and see. I was at my coffee shop surfing the web and I spilt a latte on it.' 

'Really?' she quizzed, looking up at me. 


'Cause these look like bullet holes.' 

'My coffee shop is in a bad neighborhood. If there's anything you could salvage from it, I would really appreciate it.' She hummed, took the computer, and returned to her work. 

                                                                          -Time skip-

'It looks like blueprints,' Felicity commented as she pulled up the files from Lawton's computer. 

'Do you know what of?'

'The exchange building.' 

'Never heard of it.' 

'It's where the Unidac Industry's auction is scheduled to take place,' she replied. I could feel the wheels turning in my head. Walter's stock auction. Deadshot. Perfect place for a kill. 'I thought you said that was your laptop,' Felicity remarked, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

'Yes,' I replied. 

'Look, I don't want to get in the middle of some Shakesperian family drama thing.' 


'Mr. Steele marrying your Mom. Claudius, Gertrude... Hamlet?' 

'I didn't study Shakespeare at any of the four schools that I dropped out of.' 

'Mr. Steele is trying to buy Unidac Industries. And you've got a company laptop associated with one of the guys he's competing against.'

'Floyd Lawton.' 

'No. Warren Patel. Who's Floyd Lawton?'

'He is an employee of Mr. Patel, evidently.' 

                                                                               -Time skip- 

At the Hood and Athena's base of operations (still in Oliver's POV)...

'The exchange building is surrounded by three towers with eyelines into the building,' I said to Evelyn as she sat on the arrow-building workbench, spinning one of her signature red daggers around in her hands. She pursed her lips and met my eyes. 

'Which means Lawton could get a kill shot off from virtually anywhere.' 

'But I can't cover the area. I can't protect all of Deadshot's targets.' 

'You mean we can't,' she chimed in, looking down again. 

'We can't do this alone.' 

'What do you have in mind?' 

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