Chapter 9: The Poison Bullet

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                                                                                  Arrow's POV

Athena and I were on the roof, overlooking James Holder talking on the phone in his bathrobe, with a beer in his hand, on the roofside pool. She looked over to me, and I shook my head, indicating for her to wait. She nodded, putting her hand to her ear to turn up her earpiece so she could tune into the call that Holder was making. The man laughed softly. 

'... Other than the bill I got handed this morning by my legal team, I'm feeling pretty good. Plus, now that this lawsuit's been settled, we can focus our attention on Unidac Industries.' He chuckled. 'Okay. I'll see you in the office first thing.' He was standing there for five seconds before I shot an arrow, then she shot a grappling hook and we both made our way, silently and stealthily, onto Holder's roof. The arrow shattered the bottle he was holding and he turned to us. 

'I have armed security inside,' Holder said. 'All I have to do is call out.' 

'Go ahead,' Athena said, tossing the guns onto the concrete in front of him. 'They can't hear you.' 

'What the hell do you want?' 

'How many people died in those fires?' I asked. 'How many?! The courts say you don't owe your victims anything. I disagree. James Holder. You...' Just then a shot rang out, and a blood spatter appeared on Holder's chest. His eyes were wide and he fell in the water. More shots rang out as I loaded an arrow in my bow and shot. I did the same twice as yet more shots rang out from the upstairs of a nearby roof. I winced and heard Athena roll as she fired with her guns, then landed behind a stone structure, also wincing from a wound that appeared to come from her leg. I looked down at my arm, the fabric torn and the wound freshly stinging.

I stitched up my wound, Evelyn sitting next to me, her leg propped up on a chair. I went over to the desk and pulling out the book, I crossed off Holder's name. She looked at me, her eyes glassy, trying to master the pain. I came over, but stumbled and caught myself, wincing at the pain in my arm. 

'Oliver!' she shouted, trying to come to my aid, but she also collapsed. Pulling myself up, I scrambled over to my box, shouting for her to come. The bullet. Poison, I thought to myself. I opened the box frantically. My vision was blanking out in some spots and she scrambled over to me. 'What are you lo-looking for?' she stammered. She moved and fell to the side. I grabbed the pouch of healing plants from the island and grabbed a handful. She took them and shoved them in her mouth and I gave her the bottle of water, doing the same thing two seconds later. I saw her eyes begin to close, and she gasped. I laid down slowly and she did too, grabbing my hand, her eyes closing slowly, her breathing relaxing as she fell into unconsciousness. I did the same and my mind was instantly taken back to the island, when I had the arrow in my shoulder five years ago. 

(Flashback; on the island five years ago)

I opened my eyes slowly. Light came in through cracks in the cave. I woke up carefully and when I sat up, I groaned. An arrow was stuck straight through my shoulder, the arrowhead fully visible, covered in blood. I groaned again, sitting up as the occupant of the cave, a middle aged Asian man with shaggy dark hair, came in holding a bow and arrow and dressed in what seemed to be a handmade green hood. 

'Who are you?' I asked. The man was quiet. 'Why did you shoot me?' Still silent. I coughed. 

'To protect you,' he said in a foreign language. He held out some herbs. I shook my head slowly. Then he held out a cup of water and spoke again. 'Drink.' I took the herbs tentatively and put them in my mouth, instantly creating a feeling I had not felt before. Like bad medicine. I drank the water slowly, my mouth dying of thirst. Then the man reached over and suddenly started pulling out the arrow, making me scream. He pulled it out the full way, making me pass out again. 

(End of flashback; present day) 

I awoke on the floor. Evelyn was still passed out next to me and I gave her a gentle shake. 

'Eve. Evelyn. Wake up.' She was still and silent. I felt her pulse. Still there. 'Ellie-bear. Come on.' Her eyes fluttered open slowly. 

'Hey, Ollie,' she said, barely above a whisper. 'Hey.' She squeezed my hand. Just then, the computer beeped and I looked up. 

'Damnit,' I said softly. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, making her grimace as she limped slightly. 'Can you walk?' 

'Yeah. Pain's not so bad.' Grabbing my jacket, I walked out of the building, her limping behind me. 

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