4 ~ Hello darling

7 1 1

Song Electric Love - BØRNS
*flashback *
Carter's POV
" So where are you taking me ? " I ask curious and a little scared . He's walking backwards smiling at me , he looks at me as if he is studying my face , as if he has to do a report on me . " To a very special place " he replies " I swear to god if it's a shed where you're gonna try to scalp me I'm gonna kill you first! " ( who gonna tell her he's already dead 💀 ) my comment makes him laugh his dimples coming out " You don't trust me darling ? " he asks in a sarcastic tone as if he's shocked and offended I don't trust him . " I don't trust anyone plane and simple . " It's true I don't , I used to be a very bright person always seeing the good in others but during my late teens I realized people shouldn't be trusted no matter what .
" I trust you though " he says looking at me waiting for my reaction " And why would you trust me ? A stranger whom doesn't even know your name hmm ? " i say matching his stupid Victorian slang this guy probably thinks he's better than everyone because he reads books and probably doesn't like phones . Pretentious is what he is by the clothes he's wearing you can tell he comes from money .
" My names Harry love see now you know my name " The more minutes we spend together walking to god knows where in the forest the more confident he's getting . " It still doesn't explain why you trust me or why you even are in my presence. " My harsh tone makes his smirk grow " you're mesmerizing Carter " What the hell how does he know my name " I didn't tell you my name ..." I'm honestly shitting  myself is he some sort of stalker ?! Why did I even agree to walk with him in the first place god !
His smirk quickly leaves his face
" yeah you did remember earlier at the grave when you were seeing your father ." I stop walking, Harry notices and halts in his steps too . " how'd you know it was my father ?!" Harry again looks like he's trying to play it off cool while he's making up something in his head . " you look like the man in the picture on the grave , too much alike to be anything but a daughter ."
I honestly don't know what to say I know for a fact I didn't tell him my name . Somehow during that we started walking again I didn't even notice until I got out of my head and heard the fall leaves crunching at my black boots " Actually I have somewhere I have to- " he interrupts me by pointing his finger to a house ? It looks like a house or it was the wood is white but chipped all over it looks like it's a hundred years old .

" we're here " he says simply, There's a beautiful sunset behind it along with a field left of the house it's honestly breathtaking in London we have great sunsets but we often only see them with buildings in the way

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" we're here " he says simply, There's a beautiful sunset behind it along with a field left of the house it's honestly breathtaking in London we have great sunsets but we often only see them with buildings in the way . " what is this place ? " I ask captivated
" it's a place my grandfather would take me as a kid he told me story's about how his parents owned the home and filed , he'd spend his summers here . Over here was his favorite tree he would sit and write about his life or just story's while eating the cherry's off of the tree . " he points to a huge tree covered with cherry's " wow " I say for once not saying it in a bitchy tone .
" I come here often and read my grandfathers journals it's like his story's are mine now . " we walk closer to the tree I see a swing hanging on one of the thick branches I don't dare to sit on it . I think I'd break it with my fat ass . " why'd you take me here ? Harry ? " he comes closer to me giving me that same gaze as if he's looking at every detail of my face .
" this place makes me happy , you looked like you could've used a smile love " in my mind I'm mocking his accent" YoU lOoK lIkE yOu CoUlD UsE a SmIlE lOvE " i was raised here but I'm American my fathers British my moms American she met my dad in America though.

I spent my first 10 years in America mostly but I do remember coming to London a few times to see my grandma . My father and mom have always been separated well since I was born at least , I don't have one memory of them being together and being happy . My mother said she didn't want to be married she wanted to have her career which she got so good for her I guess .
My parents have always been in my life the longest I'd go without seeing one would be a few months .
My mother worked often and father spent his time with his best friend Vodka . My mom made me move here to London at 11 I lived with my grandmother until I was 18 I guess mom got tired of paying for a nanny to watch over me when she was away.
We grew up in a lower to middle class home I didn't go without but I knew the value of money . My mother made sure I did , it's all she thinks about .

"He was my father " I say looking at the sunset while leaning against the tree . " you have his eyes " he says while looking deep into my brown ones . His comment makes me smile
" I also have his stomach " I say trying to cover up the small glimpse of happiness I showed with a self deprecating joke about my plump stomach . Harry gives me look as if I just called him fat " what " I say in a annoyed tone while Turing my head back to the sunset not wanting to look into his bright eyes any longer
why is he looking at me like that ?
Very fast I might add he is right next to me .
I immediately turn to look at him
Like hoe personal space ...
He puts his hand on my waist bringing me closer to him . Is this Sid from ice age lookin' man about to try and kiss me ??!! He's so close I can feel his breath " don't ever mock your beauty Carter " my heart is beating so fast not because he called me beautiful but just the way he's so close and he seems as if he's ... genuine about his comment .
I don't know what to do . My thoughts are interrupted when I notice his eyes are ? Changing colors " umm are you okay your eyes are uhh " he quickly takes his hands off my waist and starts rubbing his eyes" yeah they're fine "
he says not convincing me at all .
I really have trouble taking things seriously so the first thing my mind thinks about is how I'm twilight the same thing happened to Edward
" hey have you ever seen twilight because this same thing happened to Edward " Harry's body stills " don't tell me you actually watch that trash "
My mouth goes wide open how dare he disrespect one of my favorite movies ! " I know you did not just say that ! "

Third person POV Summery
They debate over movies on the walk back Harry tells Carter since she has such bad taste in movies he'll have to show her some good ones . Carter tells him he was not smooth and that he was never getting a date with her unless he admitted twilight was a classic .

More details of how they're relationship grew will come in later chapters , I hope you enjoyed this it was kinda a mellow chapter but don't worry there's enough drama in the future to make you appreciate the chill chapters ;)

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