8 ~ Who can care less more

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Song change of heart - The1975
Care less more - Olivia O'Brien
Harry's POV
One week , it's been one entire week since everything happened and Carter is acting as if nothing happened but she being cold , she's not showing how she feels , it's killing me . Carter won't talk to me , she doesn't face me when she sleeps , she goes to work then comes home , no more no less , she's right in front of me but she feels so far .

She's sitting on the coach watching a movie , she looks sad . I miss my Darling.

I approach her slowly trying to gain her attention, I sit next to her and she doesn't even look at me . " Carter "
I put my hand in her shoulder gaining her attention , she looks at me but doesn't say anything. " I can't do this anymore babe , I know you're mad and you have every right to be but I can't take this shutting me out . Yell , scream , hit me , do what you have to do but don't shut me out. Carter we're getting nowhere by pretending nothing happened , we have things we need to discuss." She's looking at me like she hates me , I hate me . " the club was closed , we went to a different place and you couldn't handle it , you couldn't handle not having control for once . That guy was my friend , a good friend . I can have friends , guy friends , I can be friends with whoever I want Harry . If you can't handle not being in control all the time then this can't work ."
I listening to what she's saying but the thing that keeps playing in my mind is her saying " than this can't work " a world without her is one I can't imagine , I love her , I have for awhile , but I feel like we both have too much going on , too much we both refuse to talk about . I talked to Liam , I don't talk to him much , I mainly go to him for advice . Liam told me I'm an idiot as if I didn't know that already and that since I'm only in my 100s I'm like a baby vampire , he told me vampires are like baby's it takes us years to control our emotions and actions , "terrible twos are real " he said as if that was a proper excuse for my actions . Liam levels my head like no one else can , he pointed out to me that Carter seems to be way too closed off to even be in a relationship.

Carter has never been one to open up or show emotions , I know her relationship with her mom isn't the best and neither was her dads but she never really seemed like that was something she wanted to talk about so I never pushed it . Carter hates showing emotions even though she knows I know she has them , she just hides them from me . I wonder if she's not comfortable showing me them , is it something about me ? I can't blame Carter because I don't like talking about my family either .

I used to read her mind so I could understand what she was feeling but I stopped after a few weeks because it wasn't fair to her , she knows I did in those few weeks when we first met and she wasn't happy about it .

Me and Carter have been together for almost two years but Liam is right we don't really know each other , we talked for a long time I never really asked her to be my girlfriend because I found it cheesy . Carter was My partner we were in a relationship but to her we were just " talking " because I had never asked her . When I asked her to be my girlfriend she said no , sometimes I think she likes to make me mad . Nonetheless we've been together for so long but it's been just ... I hate to say this but like roommates with love benefits?
I love her she knows I do I very much don't look at her as a friend but I feel like she won't let me fall in love with her , maybe she's not in love with me because I haven't opened up either .

" I want to protect you Carter , it's not that I don't trust you it's that I don't trust other people . I'm sorry for being angry and for the tree , it meant a lot to me too you know . " she won't look at me again , I'm so tired of her doing this . " you know I'm tired of you being mad and not opening up Carter ! God at least try to make this work !" I'm starting to get angry which was the last thing I wanted to do but she's so stubborn it's infuriating! Ugh HUMANS !!

" try , trY , TRY , YOU THINK I DONT TRY HARRY ! " she stands up towering over me while I'm sitting down on the sofa . " you never communicate, you don't even make me feel like you love me , and you like to play this game of who can care less more and I'm tired of it ! This has gone on too long Carter we need to make changed . " I say standing up now towering over her . " oh look who's getting angry now ! Are you gonna break something else now ? You wanna talk about people open well let's talk about why you get so angry huh ! You have not once told me anything about your dad and when I try to communicate with you about that you brush me off so explain to me how I'm the one bad at communicating Harry ! " she looks like she's out of breath , she's right but I don't want to talk about this I'm not ready to talk about this ...

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