5 ~ little white lies

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Song little white lies - one direction
Carter's POV

Me and Spencer are making our way to the entrance I see blue lights from the door and your classic club music playing loud . We reach the door only to be stopped by a very tall man
" jack what's up ? " spencer says

I guess she knows him spencer kinda knows everyone everywhere. " sorry girls clubs closed private party ." He says making me roll my eyes " I'm sorry spenc I know it's your birthday how about we go back to my place and get drunk ? " I say trying to do anything I can to make this night not completely bad . " what hell no we can just go to The Hype it's not far from here ."

Harry would be mad he hates not knowing where I am , yes I could call him but I'm so tired of him being so possessive . " okay fine but don't tell Harry " I say in a warning tone

" yeah yeah " spencer says getting into the car

As we walk into the club I immediately tell it's more ... rough then the places we usually attend. Girls wearing euphoric makeup
guys that look like they totally sell drugs on the side , and do them .
We reach the bar and order some drinks " come on let's go dance "
spencer says while dragging me to the floor . We dance side to side rolling our hips from left to right . Guys are watching us but that's not shocking or new to me and Spencer I get a tap on my shoulder and see some guy . Ughhh please don't ask me to dance " mind if I cut in ? " he's looking at spencer oh thank god " sure " I say telling spencer I'll be at the bar .
I make my way over sitting on the stool . " Carter ?"  I turn my head to see ... " Jason " I can't believe he's here " oh my god I haven't seen you since my dads funeral . You're hairs different.  "  my smile is ear to ear I don't have many friends not many that I'm still in contact with anyway .
Jason was my childhood best friend we kinda drifted apart when I moved to London  . " long time no see ladybug , what no hug ?" I rush to him hugging him he lifts me in the air it's not hard I am 5'3 " it's so good to see you ! how's Jackie ? How's your non ? Tell me everything! " he laughs and puts me down we both sit and talk for what feels like hours . " I'll be right back I'm gonna got to the bathroom then check on spencer . " I make my way to the bathroom only to pushed up against a wall by a " Harry what the fuck ! " I say trying to remove his hands that are very firm on my shoulders " we're not doing this here , we're leaving right now Carter " 
I don't even know how he found me, his eyes look so bright when he's angry like he could rip my head off in a second, I'm still not scare just mad .

Harry has always been the controlling type but I always fight it . he can be sweet so sweet but he can also be someone I don't even recognize.
I don't really like to know if he kills people some stuff I just rather be ignorant about but I do know Harry has killed simply for fun before
He  isn't liked by most vampires he was turned in 1910 and from then on he treated humans like nothing but food which to him they still kinda are .
He didn't kill to survive he killed for fun personally I think it has a lot to do with his father . Harry doesn't like to talk about his family much but I feel like his father made him feel week and that might be why he is so prideful .

Harry is still some what a mystery to me there's still things I don't know and there's things about me he doesn't know . We've been together for a year and 8 months yes but the first few were spent Harry getting on my nerves and me saying no to him asking to hang out with me only for me to say yes last minute because deep down he excited me .
In the beginning Harry was sweet I mean still  arrogant but not controlling or possessive he made us hanging out seem so chill as if it meant nothing to him , it was just us hanging out .

he made me feel like he didn't care about me as if I was just someone he would come see when he was bored .
A part of me would feel sad when he wouldn't show up when I would visit my dad ,and another part of me viewed it as a good thing I didn't wanna let myself get attached to Harry I hadn't let myself do that not since I was younger .

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