Chapter 2

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I open my mouth to say something but decide against it. I sit there quietly for the rest of the period. The rest of the day goes by really slow and boring. Then I realize that I have to go to tenth period which is a study hall. Courtney's in my study hall. I sit down in the back of the room where no one can bother me. Jason is also in my study hall. Jason walks into the library and scans the room until he finds me. He smiles and sits down next to me.

"I was wondering if you were going to the football game this Friday," Jason says.

"You're kidding right?" I laugh.

"No, you should come," Jason smiles, "it'll be fun.

"I'm not falling for your tricks," I tell him. Before Jason could say anything else the bell rings for class to start. I work on some math homework while Jason sneaks a peak at Instagram on his phone. I look over and see his followers. The number I see just screams popular. Ten thousand followers. I roll my eyes and look out one of the small windows in the room. In the hallway Courtney and her boyfriend are pressed up against a wall making out. She has a new boyfriend each week and never longer than that. I'm surprised she hasn't pulled away to breath at all yet. If she does pass out from lack of oxygen I'll be laughing. They pull apart and she kisses his cheek. Then Courtney comes running into the library looking as innocent as could be.

"I am so sorry I am late!" Courtney lies.

"Young lady," the teacher lectures, "this is the fourth time this week you have been late. It will not be tolerated."

"I am so sorry I just dropped all my books and could not open my locker," Courtney makes an innocent face.

It makes me want to punch her.

"Well in that case I guess your tardiness can be excused. This is your last warning," The teacher replies.

Now I really want to punch her.

"Thank you, it won't happen again," Courtney lies again.

She looks around and then sits next to me. Courtney takes out a red tube of lipstick and applies it to her lips. Even though she really didn't need it.

"I heard that you're hitting on Jason," Courtney smirks.

"What are you talking about?" Jason asks her.

"I heard that you've been sitting together a lot and whatever," Courtney says.

"Yeah well that's not true," I say.

"What did I ever do to you, Olivia," Courtney asks.

"Would you like me to make a list?" I smile at her. Courtney stops talking and takes out her phone. She takes a selfie and posts it on Instagram. She mumbles as she writes her comment.

"Some people are just jealous," She says as she types. Then of course, she tags me in the picture.

I roll my eyes and ignore her. What a snotty jerk. I wait out the rest of the period in annoyance. I'm not like Courtney at all but I'm not too sure I'm happy about it. Maybe I would rather be like Courtney than me. Instead of people commenting that I'm perfect on my Instagram pictures, they comment so mean stuff. When I was in sixth grade, Courtney commented on my selfie that I was ugly and that I should just run away. That's when my depression started. I have been suicidal ever since. This is my third month straight of not cutting or anything. That's why I'm so scared of getting to know people. They might hurt me and I will become suicidal again. That is why I am so scared.

The bell rings and I go to my locker. I grab my book bag and the homework I need. I meet Cassie at her locker and wait for her.

"Did you hear that a new kid is joining our school tomorrow?" Cassie asks me.

"Great, one more person to hate me," I laugh.

"Olivia, you are one of the best people I know," Cassie smiles.

I smile at her and we walk back to my house. We don't say anything as we walk. When we get to my house we run upstairs into my room. I put my book bag away and flop down onto my bed. Cassie sits on the edge of it and goes on her phone.

"Let's see what's happening on Instagram," Cassie says. "Are you jealous of Courtney?"

"Why would you think that?" I ask her.

"Courtney's post," Cassie says, turning the screen so I can see it. On her phone was the selfie that Courtney posted in study hall.

"It's a long story," I say trying to avoid the subject.

"So about this new kid," Cassie stares at her feet. Before she can continue I see something outside.

"Hold on a second," I say while opening up the curtains. "I think the new kid is going to be my neighbor." Cassie comes to the window and laughs when she also sees the moving trucks. Like I said, one more person to hate me.

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