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Today I am flying beyond the sky

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Today I am flying beyond the sky. When I told my so-called family that I got the job, they were shell shocked. Their shocked faces were a delight to witness. First time in my life I am this much happy.

I entered the office. It's my first day at the office, so I chose a professional look. I bought a beautiful outfit with my savings. It's a long white Kurta with a pink floral design, paired with plain white palazzo and a pink dupatta covering my head. While I carried a white purse and wore white sandals at my feet. After all, it's my first day and I have to make a good impression.

As I reached the reception, the receptionist called my name.
"Miss Nawaz, Mr Kaiser wants to meet you right now."
I nodded and went to his cabin.

Why he would have called me?

Aqsa, you are his Secretary now. He will call you for some work only.

"May I come in, sir?"

"Come in."

His whole focus was on the laptop at his table.

I entered the cabin and stood near his table. He gestured me to sit. Now he was looking at me. His intense gaze was giving me goosebumps.

"Miss Nawaz, now you are going to work here, in this office, as my Secretary. That's why I want to ask you something."

"Sure, sir."

"I want to ask you... what's my name?"
I didn't answer because I still don't know his name.

"Miss Nawaz, you are acting like a student who did full preparation for a test but doesn't know which subject's test it is." Wow! Such a good example.

"Sir, Shakespeare has said, what's in the name." I am no less than him when it comes to wittiness.

"That's true, Miss Farooqi." He said with a smirk.

"Sir, it's Nawaz."

"But only you said naa, what's in the name." With an innocent expression that could drive anyone crazy.
I got quiet. This man is too sharp.

"Taha... Taha Kaiser."

"Yes, Mr Taha Kaiser."
Such a cute name but such a rude nature.

For a few moments, we kept looking into each other's eyes. My black eyes were locked in his hazel green eyes. I could feel the coldness in his eyes. His eyes were longing for affection. My heartbeat was increasing with every passing second. My heart wasn't allowing me to look away. His cold eyes were sending chills into my body. I could spend my whole life while looking into his beautiful eyes. But he averted his gaze with a hesitation. Like he came back to reality after living a wonderful dream.

"You have to prepare the schedule of my meetings and appointments." He informed me, he sounded distracted.

"You may leave now. The receptionist will show you your place of work."

I nodded, still confused at the way his voice held strange hesitation. Like he is controlling himself from doing something wrong.
Nonetheless, I exited the cabin.


"Miss Nawaz, your desk is at the side of Mr Kaiser's cabin. You'll transfer him important calls and reply to the calls on his behalf. Also, you'll schedule his meetings and appointments. Moreover, you have to assist him in meetings and while working on presentations too. And a personal piece of advice from my side, stay away from him as much as you can. He is a psycho." And the receptionist went away.

So, despite being a devil, my boss is also a psycho.

Nice, it means there is a probability that I'll be murdered by my psycho devil boss. Wow! I'll have such an iconic death.

Just kidding. Get started Miss Nawaz.

In the afternoon, I was busy preparing my so-called boss's schedule when a guy came to my desk.

He was wearing casual clothes, which indicated that he wasn't an employee.

"Excuse me, can you please inform Taha that Jashn has come to meet him?" He requested politely.

"Sure, sir."

I dialled Mr Kaiser's number.

"Hello." Mr Kaiser said from the other side.

"Sir, Mr Jashn is here to meet you. Should I send him inside?"

"No, tell him to wait for me and don't allow him to sit."


"Yes." He cut the call.

"Mr Jashn, he said that you have to wait for him here and... you are not allowed to sit," I told him hesitantly.

"This Tahira!" He muttered angrily.

I noticed Jashn called him Taha. While others call him Mr Kaiser. He even used the "Tahira" name for him. It meant Jashn was Mr Kaiser's friend.

Time was passing swiftly. I was working but my whole focus was on Jashn. He was tired of standing but still, he didn't sit even for a second.

Three hours passed. His legs would have begun aching but still, he was standing leaning against the wall.

Finally! Mr Kaiser came out.

"Hey Tahira," said Jashn.

"Hey Jassu," replied Mr Kaiser.

Hahaha! They are not friends. They are best friends. Only best friends can dare to call each other with opposite gender names.

Both of them exchanged a manly hug.
"I am tired of standing," complained Jashn.

"That was your punishment for not meeting me for a whole week"

"I was busy, yaar."

"I am not going to listen to any excuse. Now come."

Jashn went outside the office. Mr Kaiser was also about to leave but he came back to my desk.

"Miss Nawaz."

"Yes, sir." I stood up from my chair.

"Is my schedule ready?"

"Yes, this week's schedule is ready."

"But I expected you to prepare the whole month's schedule."

"Sorry, sir. I'll complete it tomorrow."

"Do it right now. You'll leave after completing the work. Our office car will drop you home as soon as you finish your work."

And he went away, after snatching my deep desire to sleep.

Now I understood why everyone calls him "Devil".

Wow! My first day at the office was so wonderful. My boss made me do overtime. And himself, he went away with his friend. Not fair!

He is even worse than that maths teacher, who solve two-three sums himself and give the rest of the sums as homework to the students.
Am I right, guys?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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