Game starts...

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Abhi gets down from the car and says

Ab: get in pragya... wherever you want to go I will leave you there..

Pr: you already left me..

Saying she walked away...

Abhi rushed near her and caught her hand...

Abhi rushed near her and caught her hand

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Ab: pragya please...I know I did a big mistake but please give me a chance...

Pr: chance for what ? For Breaking my heart again...

Saying she tried to free her hand from his grip...

Ab: we should talk pragya

Pragya impatiently says

Pr: nothing is there to talk... please leave my hand abhi..

Abhi was shocked to hear her saying his name...

Ab: pragya please listen to me

Pragya shouts

Pr: I said leave my hand

Hearing her ,many people surrounded man among them asked her

Man: what happened beta he troubling you

Another man: just because you are a big celebrity ,you can't misbehave with a girl in public..

Abhi calmly says

Ab: please mind your business...we are just talking

One lady: leave her hand

Ab: see here...she is my

Another man: leave her or else I will call the police...

Ab: oh hello Mr.Sharuk khan some for later....this is our personal problem we will solve it, you just leave from here..

Lady: badtameez admi...

Ab: excuse us please ....she is my wife..

All are shocked...

Man: should we believe this

Lady: is he really your husband beta...

Pragya looked at abhi and nods negatively....abhi is stunned seeing her...he left her hand in shock..

he left her hand in shock

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