Abhi's attempts

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Pragya sits near him .....she tears her saree pallu and tied it around abhi's hand...

Abhi just stares at her face...He winced when pragya pulled out a glass piece from his hand.... pragya blows over the wound and says

Pr: you should learn to control your anger...see now you are suffering...

see now you are suffering

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Ab: yes...if I haven't got angry on that day then our lives would have been different...

Pragya softly says

Pr: please forget about day... otherwise you can't be in peace...

Ab: did you forgive me so easily...

Pr: why should I forgive you when mistake wasn't yours.... actually mistake was mine ,I shouldn't have married you..

Ab: no pragya... mistake is mine..I am sorry

Pr: if you are keeping on apologizing, then you will feel more guilty...

Ab: pragya you are not understanding me...

Pr: what...

Ab: I can't live in peace,but not because of guilt but because of you

Shocked pragya asks," me?"

Abhi suddenly says," I need you"

Pragya's eyes widened hearing him...she immediately lowers her gaze...

she immediately lowers her gaze

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Abhi panicks

Ab: no no...I mean I want you..

Flustered pragya gets up and started to walk..

Abhi's pov;
You fool... can't you speak properly to her...what are you blabbering to her need,want... idiot can't you say one I love you properly... don't tell out that you are a rockstar... common abhi handling girls are not new for you...but pacifying an angry wife is new....

Abhi runs behind pragya and says

Ab: pragya what I meant actually is I lo....

Pragya interrupts him by saying

Pr: suniye ... please go home..

Ab: no I should say this now..

Pr: you are overthinking...we are not meant for each other....hamari raasta galat tha aur manzil bhi ..

Ab: Nahi pragya

Pr: you call someone and tell to send car and go home...

Ab: first I will drop you

Pr: I will go by walking... however I am going to stay out tonight...

Ab: why

Pr: why matlab...did you see the time...Kamala maa is going to bash me.. already once she warned me...

Ab: then come we will go to our home..

Pragya walks silently....

Abhi walks with her , he calls purab and tells him to send car..

While walking due to chillness, pragya rubbed her palms together...abhi sees her who is embracing herself, he pats her shoulder ...

Pragya turns and sees him opening his arms and gesturing her to come..

Pragya glares at him whereas he chuckles...

Ab: arey ....I will not mind if you hug me...

Pragya walks as if she didn't hear him...

Then they both reached the orphanage...

Abhi's heart pained seeing the place... pragya sees his pale face..

Both stood there silently ...

Pragya slowly nods and smiles lightly..

But abhi turns his face without responding her...

Pragya turns and walks near the door..

She pressed the calling bell... Kamala maa came out and glared at her..

Ka: what is this Pragya...if you can't follow the rules then please vacate from here...

Pr: I am sorry

Abhi's pov;
Why is she asking sorry....and that lady is talking overly... what is the need to stay here...she is the queen of my house but here  she is pleading to that lady..

Ka: rules are rules... stay out itself...

Saying she banged the door...

Pragya sighs loudly and sits on the nearby rock...

Pragya sighs loudly and sits on the nearby rock

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Abhi comes to her and says

Ab: I will tell her to allow you in..

Pragya hold his hand and stops him...

Pr: no need...if she says something then you will get angry...then you will say her back then you both will start to fight as result I will be kicked out from here..

Ab: that is also good..

Pr: what good....then I should stay in road...

Ab: your sense of humour hurts me...

Pr: I just said the truth

Ab: what truth....you have one mansion...not only one mansion if you ask I can give you this whole city but here you are sitting in road and talking stupid things...

Pragya's pov;
Dadi is right....she said once you start to love someone then you will love them with your whole heart...

Suddenly pragya realized what is she is thinking...

Pragya's pov;
Enough pragya... don't dream about impossible things ... love and he ..... how could he love you...but he is a good man...I wish we were like other couples...then I can get his care and love...oh god stop it pragya...if he is near you then your idiotic brain is thinking unwanted things ...

Her thoughts are broken by abhi

Ab: I am hungry...


To be continued...


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