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Dadi: come fast robin

Abhi comes there and asks," why are you shouting?"

Da: abhi you came....where is bahu

Ab: she is getting ready..

At that time pragya comes there with Aliya and bulbul... her face is covered with a veil..

Abhi smiles and about to go near pragya but Sarala stopped him ..

Sa: no betaji....till the marriage overs you should not see her face..

Ab: but auntyji...she is my wife..

Ro.da: we know that rockstar but this is a ritual...rules are made to follow

Abhi uninterestedly says

Ab: fine..but I can talk with her right..

Da: oh...abhi ..what will I do with you...

Pu: leave him naa dadi.... otherwise he will go insane..

Sa: haan can talk..

Saying all went to make other arrangements leaving abhigya alone...

Abhi goes to her but suddenly bulbul and purab came near pragya and started to chat with her..

Abhi badly wanted to hear pragya's voice... but all are disturbing him...

At last he found sitting on the couch alone, her veil exposing her soft plums a little as she is drinking water...

Abhi slowly goes near her and sits...

On seeing him pragya quickly adjusted her veil..

Ab: woh...

Pragya looked at him through the veil ....

Seeing him nervous, pragya gently touched his hand... abhi's eyes filled with tears suddenly..

Pr: suniye... what happened why are you crying..

Ab: I don't know pragya but I am scared...

Pr: what is bothering you suniye... from morning you are restless...

Abhi entwines his hand with her's and says

Ab:I am scared of losing you...

Pr: where will I go leaving you..

Ab: I know but from morning I am not feeling good, I feel that something bad is going to happen...

Pr: nothing will minute are you teasing me...

Abhi confusedly looks at her..

Pr: the bad thing you are meaning is not our marriage right....

She fakes a shock and says

Pr: you are so mean..

Abhi chuckles and says

Ab: so now you started doing drama too

Pr: I learned it from you...

Both laughs...

Her laugh is the most beautiful music he have ever heard..

Abhi gently kissed her forehead over the veil...

Abhi gently kissed her forehead over the veil

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