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Pragya looks at the photos with so much admiration in her eyes...

She asks abhi," will I always wear sarees"

She sighs and says," I look boring"

Abhi remembered how he used to insult pragya by calling her as boring chasmish..

His thoughts are broken by pragya..

Pr: abhi...abhi....where are you lost...are you thinking about some other woman...that Tanu

Ab: now where did she come from ...

Pr: when I was in London, did you have any girlfriend...

Before abhi could say anything, pragya says," even if you had then break up with them today itself okay"

Saying she turned to look at the pics ,at that time abhi hugged her from behind surprising pragya..

Pragya's pov;
Oh my god...I just wanted to change his mood as he was looking dull...but it seems I said something wro.......

Her thoughts went haywire when he nuzzled her neck...

She stammered,"a..ab..abhi"

Abhi gave her a light hickey there whereas she gasped..

In a husky voice abhi said," next time you speak something like this then your punishment will be worse than this"

He turned her towards him and looks at her who is closing her eyes...

Ab: the day you left me was the day I was over...

She opened her eyes hearing him...

Abhi's eyes brimmed,he softly says

Ab: even though I said everyone that you will surely return but inside I was dying in by day my fear increased... everyday night I will close my eyes with a hope that you will return the next day ,so I could tell you how much I need you and how hard every day has been without you..

Pragya wiped his tears but his tears didn't mind to stop...

The pain he is hiding himself for the past two years overflowed in the form of tears..

His tears pained her heart ... her brain may forgot him but not her heart ...

Not knowing how to control him, she lightly pecked his lips..

Abhi's all senses shut down with that one kiss...

Abhi is surprisedly looking at her, his old pragya was very shy but this new pragya is not like that...he loved the change.... and he is damn in love with this new pragya..

Pra: thank god you stopped your tears... your tears did something inside me

She openly said what she felt ...

Saying she was about to turn but abhi caught her hand and asked

Ab: what was that?

Pragya looks at him confused," what ?"

Ab:few seconds before,you did something...

Pra: oh is called a kiss

Saying she patted his cheeks saying," little boy"...

Abhi interlocked his hands around her waist and whispers near her lips," little girl this is a kiss not that"

Abhi interlocked his hands around her waist and whispers near her lips," little girl this is a kiss not that"

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