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Next day, abhi and purab are waiting in music company for king ...

Ab: he is so unprofessional..

Purab smiles at him and says

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Purab smiles at him and says

Pu: your jealousy can be clearly seen in your eyes..

At that time vin comes there,

Ab: where is king and pr.... Anu

Vi: she is not feeling well so king will not come today..

Abhi panicks," what happened to her?"

Vi: I don't know

Ab: I will go and check her

Saying he was about to turn but vin says

Vi: king is with her...

Abhi ignores him and goes from there...

Vin was about to follow him, but purab holds his hand and says

Pu: come... we shall attend the meeting..

Here abhi rushed to the hotel room and sees anu lying in bed whereas king sitting near her and feeding her soup..

Here abhi rushed to the hotel room and sees anu lying in bed whereas king sitting near her and feeding her soup

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King sees abhi and asks," abhi...you here?"

Abhi : vin said she is not well, that's why I came to see

Ki: oh that....she ate lot of junk foods yesterday right,so she got food poison..

Abhi scolds Anu," that's why I said not to eat in that road side shop...but you didn't listen to me, why will you listen , according to you ,other than you all other people are idiot right.."

Anu' s eyes widened hearing him....king looks at abhi confused..

Ki: it's okay abhi

Ab: it is not okay..she is behaving like a brat...she

King little loudly says," enough abhi...stop scolding her...."

Abhi realises what he did..

Abhi realises what he did

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