Abhi's wife

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All are stunned hearing anu's question...

Abhi looks down not knowing what to answer her..

Suddenly fear engulfed anu.,she holds king's hand tightly...

King pats her hand and tells her," I am here"

King pats her hand and tells her," I am here"

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King asks abhi...

Ki: how you know pragya? Who are you to her?

Da: king beta ....first calm down...you both please sit..

King and Anu sits ...

Da: actually pragya is

Abhi looks at pragya who is looking stressed..

Da: pragya is abhi's wife..

Anu and king are stunned to hear that..

Anu thinks about abhi's words about his wife and sarala's care..

Dadi continues," we lost her before two years "

Ki: how

Purab then explains about pragya's accident...

Pu: on seeing that dead body we all thought that pragya Di died..

Ki: that body is not pragya's..

All looks at him...

Flashback begins:

King got down his car and rushed near pragya's car and tried to bring pragya out... after a lot of struggle he brought her out..she is badly injured..

Ki: hello ..miss.. open your eyes..

Then he sees her mangalsutra and says

Ki: Mrs.. please... open your eyes

Then seeing her bleeding heavily..

King takes her in his hands and about to move to his car ..

At that time one drunken lady came near them and tried to pull pragya..

She screamed," I will not let you to live pragya..."

Ki: hello... leave her.... leave

Saying he pushed that lady aside...

King made pragya to lay on the back seat..

That lady shouted," you should die pragya...you ruined my life and I will never forgive you for that"

Shouting she rushed near the lorry but king drove from there...

Through the side mirror he saw the car catching fire..

Flashback ends:

Ki: then I took pragya to the hospital, but she fell into coma ,so without any other option I took pragya with me to London..after three months she gained conscious ....but she lost all her memory, she didn't even remember her name...then slowly I said her about the accident..

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