Back to Mehra mansion

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Abhi stopped the car Infront of Mehra mansion...

Pragya's eyes brimmed seeing that house...she reminisced how abhi and others kicked her out of the house..

Abhi felt bad seeing her tears but he controled his emotions as this is the only way to bring her back to his house...

Abhi opened the car door for her and said

Ab: come..

Pragya looked at him helplessly..abhi pulled her out of the car ...

He pulled her walked till the door..but pragya stopped on the entrance by holding the pillar..

Pragya cries

Pr: Abhishek... please leave me...I don't want to come inside... please I don't wish to see others..

Ab: all will be sleeping now pragya...

Saying he pulls her but she protested so without any other option he carried her in his hands forcefully and takes her to his room..

Pr: Abhishek leave me....I said leave me...why are you doing like this...

Ab: don't wake others pragya..

Then he brought her inside the room and makes her to sit on the bed...

Pragya immediately gets up from the bed and about to go out but abhi locked the door and kept the key in his pant pocket...

Abhi goes near the dressing table and removes his dog tags and wrist bands..

Pragya tried to open the door but couldn't....

Abhi brings the food and opens the parcel and gives her...

She stares at him without getting that...

Ab: if you want me to feed , then I am ready

Saying he was about to feed her but she pushed his hand making the food to spill on the floor...

She tried to open the balcony door but it was locked...

Pr: now where will I sleep

Ab: actually we are married I thought we should sleep in the same bed that's why I even poured water on the couch...

Pragya goes near the couch and touches it and finds it wet..

Pr: why are you doing like are irritating me...I wish to kill you now..

Ab: if you want do that but don't leave me and go again...

Pragya looks at him for few seconds and then takes the pillow and places it on the floor...

Abhi chuckles

Pr: why are you laughing now

Ab: you should know that when I can pour water on the couch then I can obviously pour water on the floor too...

Pragya silently lays on the bed...abhi too comes near her lays on the other side...

After 2 hours pragya whispered

Pr: please leave me

Abhi whispered back

Ab: please go to sleep..

Pr: you will find someone better

Ab:by leaving the best?

Defeated pragya tried to sleep...

Next day morning pragya felt one kiss on her forehead...

Sleepy pragya says," good morning Krish"

Abhi frowns and says

Ab: it's me

Pragya's sleep flew away hearing him..

She got up suddenly...

Ab: go and get ready today we have dussera function at home...

Pragya silently goes to get ready...abhi is shocked seeing that...

After getting ready both abhigya came down together...others are shocked to see pragya in their house...

Dadi who is eating her breakfast says

Dadi: both finally came...I thought of sending robin to call you both..

Abhi's pov;
    Oh god ...I said dadi to behave normally with pragya but here she is over acting...

I said dadi to behave normally with pragya but here she is over acting

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Abhi goes and sits...

Pragya who didn't dare to look at other's faces says

Pr: I am leaving

Saying she was about to go but abhi caught her hand..

Abhi calmly says

Ab: sit and eat pragya

Pr:I need to will be waiting for me

Ab: you need not go for work from today..

Pragya shouts," you can't decide that"

Ab: sit and eat..

Pragya pulled her hand and about to walk but at that time dadi screamed," abhi"....

Pragya turns and sees abhi catching the sharp side of the knife tightly whereas blood is flowing from his hand..

All said him to put the knife down but he didn't hear and tightened his grip...

Pragya panicks seeing him...

To be continued....


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