Chapter 10

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Zuko point of view

It was Thursday, October 15, 2020. I was walking to the gym with Sokka. We walked in and the teacher told us to change into our gym clothes. While changing I asked Sokka Something
Zuko - Hey I have a question
Sokka - yeah what's up
Zuko - when is Halloween
Sokka - you joking right
Sokka - it's the 31 of October
Zuko - No idiot
Zuko - like what weekday is it?
Sokka - Ohhhh That makes more sense
Sokka - it's on a Saturday
Zuko - oh ok thanks

That gave me great ideas but I couldn't tell Sokka just yet even if he was my best friend. I needed to make sure some stuff was ready so I could tell him later.
We started a new unit in PE, Volleyball all the girls got happy and so did the boys. I also was happy - I was great at volleyball
Sokka on the Other hand was really bad at it. He tried to learn when we were at the beach but he sucked at it.

*15 minutes later*

We were doing some volleyball warm-ups Sokka kept dropping his ball and running around the gym to look for it.
Then I noticed Suki caught his volleyball and was talking to Sokka
"What was she doing, why is she talking to Sokka," I thought
Everyone knew she was talking to some guy named Huru and they were becoming a thing.
But I knew she still liked Sokka.

Sokka told me a month ago how he and she got in a fight right before the beach and that he hated her guts but I guess it changed since he was talking to her right now.
Later after the gym, I saw Mai and we walked together to her lunch table with Azula and Ty Lee. They weren't dating but everyone knew they had a crush on each other. Every time Azula saw me she rolled her eyes and never talked to me. I didn't care I was happy to have Mai.

Toph point of view

On my way to lunch, the Duke walked with me Katara and Aang didn't even notice because they were " SO IN LovE" Ewww. I thought they are so Ogggies. While walking to lunch the duke left and did something I never expected. He kissed me on my cheek then ran to his next class. I shrugged it off I didn't care.

I told him a million times I don't like him like that but that didn't stop him from liking me.

I and the group sat down and ate out lunch. I notice how Zuko stop sitting with us and sat with Mai. I didn't care though, I already had enough on my mind.
The latest
I always hated math, And when I say Hate I mean HATE. I just don't get it and being blind made it 50 times worse.
Katara loved it somehow and always asked If it needed help. I usually said no but this time I couldn't afford to fail.

Toph - Hey Katara
Katara - yeah Toph
Toph - You know how you always ask if I need math help
Toph - well this time I do can you help me after school today
Katara - Sure Toph no problem
Katara - Wait! I have a swim competition after school and Don't come home until later.
Katara - Can we do it tomorrow after school?
Toph - No, My test is tomorrow
Katara - Oh well umm..........
Katara - Sokka can help you
Sokka - I can?
Katara -Yes you can.  You passed freshman year. You can help Toph
Sokka - Ok then
Toph - uggggg Fine
Aang -"hahhahaha"
Toph - Shut up twinkle toes
Sokka - Why are you laughing Aang
Toph - Nothing

I didn't like Sokka anymore but Aang still teased me about it Time after time. I didn't know why I was kinda nervous I haven't liked him since I heard Suki talking to the other Volleyball girls about how she was going to win him back from a freshman.

"Why would he like a freshman and who was She. Every time the group was over at Katara's house I asked him and he denied it. I knew he was lying and I didn't care though."

The bell rang I went to PE with Aang we did Volleyball. I sat out most of the time since I could see the ball flying in the Air. I was able to get Aang to miss some class and talk to me since I was bored.

After school, I went to Katara's house. My parents dropped me off and Were asking and Asking over and over again. "Can we talk to her" "where is her dad" "Is she responsible"
"Can we come inside?"
I told them to drop me off at the door. Because If they found Sokka was Teaching me they would never let me leave the house.

*Toph made it to the house and was leaving the car *

Toph - Bye mom I love you
Toph - Bye dad
Toph mom - I love you too have a good time
Toph dad - Bye Toph

I walked up to the house and felt them leave. Then I opened the door and closed it behind me. I felt Sokka get up and sit up straight on the couch.
I sat on the other side of the couch and unpacked my bag.

Sokka - Ok so what do you want to do first
Sokka - take a break and come back and do the math later?
Sokka - Or do it now and take a break later?
Toph - Is it not obvious
Toph - Do it later duh  ( I laughed )
Sokka - *hahaha* ok what do you want to do  while we take a break
Toph - Idk
Sokka - Wait! I have a great idea!!
Toph - What is it meathead
Sokka - Let's bake something !!!!
Toph - I'm not a big cooking fan. Cause you know I'm blind
( waving my hands in front Of my face trying to show how I'm blind)

Sokka - PLEASE!!!!!! It will be Fun!!!!!!!
Toph - Alright Fine. Just for you meathead.

We made some cookies and Had a lot of fun throwing flowers at each other before I knew it. I looked liked. Snowman according to Sokka.
I washed it off and decided to Study for my Test, Sokka was surprisingly helpful. And I understand the math I was packing my bags and heard a knock at the door and answered it.
*Toph open the door while Sokka is eating some cookies in the kitchen*

Suki -Hey Sokka I-
( Suki stopped talking and Looked at Toph Confused and mad)

Suki - What the hell are you doing here
Toph - Excuse Me! I Was about to ask you the same miss dumbhead
Suki - SOKKA!
( Sokka left the kitchen and went to the door and grabbed his jacket)

Sokka - Sorry Toph I have to go
Suki - Yeah people with eyesight are better to be around
Sokka - Suki enough
Sokka - I'll be back late Toph but Katara will be home soon
Suki - Come on Sokka
Suki - Who cares what happens to her
Sokka - I do Suki
Sokka - Understand Toph
Toph - I'm not an idiot Sokka
Suki - Are you sure about that!

( Suki smiled. Then Toph earth bend the earth underneath Suki causing Suki to fall on her back)

Sokka - Toph!
Top - What if I'm such an idiot I possibly couldn't know how to do that

Suki - Sokka let's just go NOW!

( Suki grabbed Sokka's hand and closed the door I didn't even know where they were going and I didn't care I didn't like Sokka anyways but she somehow held a grudge for me. It's not like I was the freshman he liked. Right?)

Katara came home and we had a good time. We walked to my house and dropped her off. My parents asked her how it went with. Math.
Katara was confused at first but went along with the lie. The rest of the night I just chilled in my room waiting until I was tired so I could fall asleep.
Then I remembered something, SUNDAY I thought. That's when my dad's dinner party was and I needed to find a date.

𝑨𝒕𝒍𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 - 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗸𝗮Where stories live. Discover now