Chapter 17 - The mountains

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No one point of view

It was 4:00 the group had 3 hours before they made it to the mountains. Sokka and Suki were in the front of the car, While Toph Aang and Katara sat in the middle row. They have been driving for about 2 hours and needed a gas station break, Sokka filled up the car while everyone else went to go get snacks.
Once they came back Suki started to drive because Sokka was tired, Katara sat upfront with Suki and had a good time gossiping about people at school. Aang was taking a nap and Sokka sat next to Toph, Toph was listening to music while Sokka was on his phone. The next hour went by quickly and they made it to the mountains, They all got in the house and found their rooms.

Suki - Hey where's my room?
Toph - Oh yeah about that...
Top - You don't have a room
Suki - WHAT, oh you little rat
Sokka - Suki stop, Toph where's her room?
Toph - I'm serious she doesn't have one
Toph - And she wasn't supposed to be here
Suki - Ugggg well do you have any extra rooms
Toph - You can sleep in the attic, I might have a bed
Suki - No way! - I'll sleep with Sokka instead
Sokka - Ummm actually it fine
Sokka - I'll sleep in the attic
Suki - ugg whatever
Sokka went to the attic and unpacked while everyone else started changing into big jackets and warm clothes. Sokka came downstairs dressed and they all walked out the door heading to the town. Katara and Aang went to Whole Foods while Suki, Sokka, and Toph went to a target to look around. Suki left to go look at the makeup and Sokka and Toph looked at the snacks.

Sokka - I have an idea, Let get some beers!
Sokka - What do you think Toph?
Toph - No IDIOT, I don't want to get drunk
Sokka -  Toph what's wrong, You sound upset
Toph - Nothing
Sokka - Come on tell me
Toph - It's just I'm confused why Suki here
Toph - You don't even want to date her, So why are you dating her then
Sokka - It's complicated
Toph - Just tell me Sokka
Toph - I won't tell anyone
Sokka - I can't Toph
Toph - Why
Sokka - because I can't tell you
Sokka - It might hurt you if I do
Toph - Hurt me? I don't think anything can

*Sokka didn't know what to say, He wanted to tell Toph but Suki might find out he told her. And he didn't want Toph to be made fun of at school, Sokka just dropped the conversation and continued looking for snacks*

Suki - Ok I'm don't
Suki - Let's go
Sokka - Ok
*Suki paid for her makeup and they exited the store*

Suki - Sokka let's go back home
Toph - What about me? And you mean my house idiot
Sokka - Toph you come on along
Suki - Yeah idiot
Toph - give me a reason not to be your ass
Sokka - Toph no, Y'all just please get along
Suki - Come on Sokka let's just go
Sokka - Fine, Come on Toph 
Toph - Fine

They headed to the house and saw Katara and Aang putting the food away. Suki headed to her room to get a dress for tonight's dinner, After they put the groceries away they all went to their rooms to get ready for dinner.
Suki point of view

I went to my room and got ready for dinner.
I walked out of my room and noticed.
Everyone was showering and getting ready, so I decided to see what Sokka was doing. I walked up the steps to the attic and walked in, He was asleep on his bed.
I walked over to him and just stared at him.
I know I was just using him so I could get crowned queen at the Winter dance. But all the time we've been spending cause me to grow a little crush on him, And I didn't think much of it, I got a new crush like every month.
Sokka woke and saw me staring at him, I got off of the bed and looked at him.

Sokka - What are you going here?

Suki - Oh I wanted to see what you are doing

Suki - How do you think I look?
Sokka - Umm fine I guess

Suki - Sokka
Suki - At least try to be good at lying
Sokka - Ugggg fine
Sokka - I think you look pretty

* I was twirling around so he could get a good look at me, But then I tripped causing me to fall on top of Sokka and Sokka falling on the bed. As I lifted my head I saw his hot face and just had to kiss him, well before we were interrupted*

Toph - Hey Sock-

*Toph Stop talking after seeing/feeling what was going on. Sokka pulled away from me and got off of the bed and ran towards Toph*

Sokka - It's not what it looks like
Sokka - I just, well actually, No what happened-

Toph - I'm going to stop you there meathead
Toph - I don't care what you two are up to
Toph - I just came up here to say that Katara need you to get ready cause we're leaving soon

Sokka - Oh umm ok then, I'll be dressed soon

Toph - ok
Toph walked downstairs and I followed her. She was still in her clothes from early, So she went to go change.
I was talking to Katara and Aang about where we are going to go.

*Katara was wearing Jeans and a white/blue long sleeve with a cozy jacket over her arms. With her hair up in a ponytail, ( And wearing makeup )
Aang was had on black sweatpants and an air nation sweatshirt.
Suki was wearing high wasted jeans and a cozy sweatshirt she had her hair in a half up half down
( And was wearing makeup as well)*
Sokka point of view
Toph and Suki just left my room and I was freaking out. With 2 things

1 - I have to stop kissing Suki Like she was a good kisser but I don't like her and I don't care if we have to be a "perfect couple" I'm done kissing her

2 - What if Toph thought me and Suki were about to do something else.
I still had to get dressed, I put on a black hoodie over some jeans. I headed downstairs and saw Toph wearing mom jeans and a green crop top underneath a cozy white jacket, She had her hair down witch made me blush more than usual. We both made it to the front of the house we're we all walked to a small dinner near the house, there weren't many people at the dinner. I sat down next to Suki and Toph, Katara and Aang in front of me, We had a great and stuffing dinner but I still had room for ice cream. Aang and Katara told me to go by some at the store, Suki couldn't care less and just wanted to sleep. Toph was the only one that had room for Ice cream so we headed for an ice crew shop. Once we got there she ordered a mint chocolate chip while I ordered classic cookies and cream, we started heading back to the house but the ice cream shop was far so It would be a bit of a walk.

Sokka - How's your ice cream?
Toph - Good, What about you?
Toph - *hahaha*
Sokka - I love you laugh
Sokka - OMG did I say that out loud!?
Toph - You sure did Meathead
Sokka - I'm so sorry Toph I didn't mean to
Toph - It's ok Sokka, Don't cry over it

We both stopped walking for a bit and then Toph turned to me, I turned to her and just stared at her beautiful eyes and fell into them. But then I got pulled out by a kiss.

Not from me but from Toph we just sat there in the cold  November night kissing, It was like time stopped and everything didn't matter anymore. Well until she pushed me off of her lips and causing me to fall on the group

Sokka - hey!?
Toph - Sorry, but I can't
Sokka - What do you mean you can't
Sokka - You kissed my first
Toph - I know I did, But I regret it
Toph - You have Suki and I don't care if you don't like her
Toph - you can just leave her and we can be together.
Toph - But until then we are just friends
Sokka - I understand and I'm sorry Toph

We made it to the house and Saw That Suki fell asleep on her bed while Aang and Katara were watching tv in the living room.
Toph went to sleep and so did I, I couldn't wait for the thanksgiving dinner.

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