Chapter 14 - The October 31 part part 2

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No one point of view

Katara - Where did she go?
Aang - I don't know
Aang - I saw her leave and that's it

They both exit the house and were in the road in front of the house.
Then They saw Toph walking away from the house. From the looks of it, she must have been running cause she was pretty far away. Katara bent some water to make her get to Toph faster. While Aang drove an Air Scooter, once they caught up to Toph and saw her face. She wasn't crying anymore but she had a tear or two on her cheek.

Katara - Toph wait
Katara - I'm so sorry about what happened

Aang - Wait what happened
Aang - Why did she leave the party

Katara - Aang it was really sweet of you to come with me to find Toph
Katara - But Can me and Toph just talk for a moment, please
Aang - Sure no problem Katara

Aang walked off to the side and was on his phone waiting for Katara to be done talking with Toph.

Katara - Toph I'm so sorry

Toph - Katara I'm fine
Toph - Just go back o the party
Toph - I don't care about Sokka

Katara - But you told me you liked him
Katara - It's ok to cry you know

Toph - Katara just SHUT UP
Toph - I'm fine, I don't need to cry
Toph - I'm over him

Katara - Wow umm that's a little rude
Katara - Here I'll wake you back to my house

Toph - Katara I'm fine
Toph - Go fun have at the party, I don't need a babysitter

Katara - I'm not babysitting you, I'm done partying for tonight.

Katara put her arm around Toph trying to  Comfort her. Even though she said she was fine. Katara knew that she needed a hug, All together they walked back to the house. Once they got there they put some comfortable clothes on, Katara made some cookies while Aang and Toph watched a movie in the basement.
They were having a great time, Toph fell asleep first - She was tired from everything that happened Tonight. Katara and Aang were washing the dishes and heard a knock at the door.

Aang - Who is that?
Katara - Probably Sokka
Katara - He must have forgotten his keys
Aang - Oh ok
Aang - I'm going to head to bed
Aang - Good night I love you
Katara - I love you too Aang

Aang walked to the basement where Toph was sleeping. After Katara saw him go down to the basement, She ran to the door and opened it. She saw Sokka, and of course, he was drunk.

Sokka - I had such a great night at this party

*Sokka walked into the house and laid on the couch. Katara could tell he had more than a few shots. She grabbed some water from the kitchen and slapped him with it*

Katara - You idiot
Sokka - Owwwwe
Sokka - What was that for, I didn't do anything
Sokka - Wait I know what, You're jealous I went to an awesome party and you didn't

Katara - We went to the same party Sokka!!
Katara - uggggg I can't stand you when you're drunk
Katara - do you even know what to do?

Sokka - No I don't, Wait I do remember
Sokka - I remembered partying like hell

*Katara was so upset at Sokka for being drunk, But also Crushing on Toph for weeks and then throw it down the drain for Suki. Sokka had a big chance with Toph. But no he had to go back to Suki*

Katara - You are such an idiot
Katara - I'm embarrassed to be related to you

Sokka - Come on Katara lighten up, I'm sure what I did wasn't even that bad.

Katara - You don't even know what you did
Katara - Care for me to tell you!?

Sokka - No I don't actually, I'm heading off to bed
Sokka - Night

Sokka went upstairs to his room and crashed for the night. Katara went to the basement and saw Aang sleeping on the floor, While Toph was sleeping on the couch. Katara sat next to Aang and cuddle, She was upset with Sokka but Aang made her happy again.

What she didn't know was that Sokka was fake being drunk so Katara wouldn't ask him so many questions. He felt horrible about the kiss and wanted to run after Toph. But he was being blackmailed by Suki and didn't know what to do, He didn't want to be her boyfriend for a month. He was going to find a way to stop all of this nonsense and Tell Toph how he feels and hopefully she will say she has the same feelings as well.
But for now, Sokka needed some rest. He didn't know what was going to happen next, The gang didn't know what was going to happen next.

Sorry for a short Chapter
On the weekends I'm going to try to post more.
The next chapter will be up by tomorrow afternoon, Maybe the morning
Also thanks for 200 reads
Have a good night guys 😁

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