Chapter 16 - November

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It was already November 20th,

Which was also 20 days after the party,
By now the whole school knew that Sokka and Suki were a "Couple".

Toph and the Duke were "broken up" according to the school but what happened was that Toph just told him straight up how she didn't like him. The Duke understood that and they continued being friends

Suki stopped ridding with the group to school, She said it was because she liked to drive herself
But it was because Toph kept on throwing small rocks at her and making her trip on the ground while she was getting in and out of Sokka's car.

But that didn't stop her from dating Sokka, They made it very clear that they were in love
Suki would hold Sokka hand and Sokka would drive Suki everywhere ( besides school)

Sometimes Suki would make out with Sokka in front of the group, Just so Suki could make Toph jealous.
Toph tried to keep Sokka out of her head but the more she tried that the more she thought of him.
Thanksgiving was only in 6 days and the group had a plan to head up to the mountains at one of Toph's big vacation homes. They were all so excited and couldn't wait, But right now Aang, Katara, and Toph had to pay attention to math class.
Toph point of view

The teacher changed the assigned seats.
So I sat next to Aang in the back of the classroom, While Katara sat next to one of her swim friends two rows in front of us.

"Blablablabla" That's all I could hear coming from the teacher, I didn't pay attention because I was passing his class. So I was metal bending a piece of metal I found in the room during class, Aang told me to pay attention but everyone in the school knows I can't learn a thing from this teacher (Mr.James)
After a long boring math class, the bell ringed for lunch.

We walked out of the classroom and headed for lunch I saw Sokka and Suki at our table and noticed them making out

Toph - "Uggggg Do they not like privacy" I whispered to Katara
Katara - " I guess they don't even know what that is"

As we sat down across from them kissing I heard Zuko whispering something to us

*He usually sat with Mai, But she wasn't here today*

Zuko - "Help me, This is so awkward!"

Aang - I don't think They know where here

Katara - Yeah someone needs to stop them
Aang - Toph would you like to do it?

Toph - I'll love to

*I slammed my hand on the table, which got their attention*

Toph - Don't swallow each other love rats

*Sokka pulled away from the kiss and looked at us sitting down and eating our lunch. Sokka kinda got embarrassed and blushed*

Sokka - Oh I didn't know you were here Toph

Toph - It's lunch, where else am I going to be

Suki - Maybe a place where people want you
Suki - You fat idiot

Toph - Ok that's it I had it with you BITCH

*I got up from my seat with a piece of metal in my hand and was about to slap her, Suki got up and looked like she was about to pull my hair. Just then Sokka put his hands on both of us and pushed us a little bit down, showing that he wanted us to sit down*

Sokka - Guys please no more fighting
Sokka - Why can't you two get along

Suki - I'll get along with her when she can see
What I'm wearing

Toph - Honey don't flatter yourself, I'm glad I can't see what your wearing cause I'll go blind from your so-called "fashion senses"

Toph - Like bitch please I'm blind and I know my outfits are better than your

*The whole table was silent from my comeback. But I did hear Zuko and Sokka laughing a little bit. Suki got upset and I could feel her angry heart bet through my shoes*

Aang - BURN!, Suki just got roasted by Toph

*Suki looked over at Aang with eyes that looked like she was going to rip his guts out, Aang quickly went back to eating his salad*

Katara - Aang honey, now not the time

The rest of the lunch was pretty normal. Once we heard the bell ring we all headed our separate ways. During PE I and Aang were playing some hockey inside, it was fun and all until he told me something I didn't like

*we walked to the water fountain and waited Inline*

Aang - Hey I have to tell you something

Toph - What is it

Aang - I heard Suki and Sokka talking in the
*I put my hand over Aang mouth, we were the next one in line to get a drink of water*

Toph - I'll stop you there, I don't care about their relationship

Aang - No I need to tell you something

Toph - Fine, What is it

*We made it to the front of the water fountain and I was drinking the water while Aang was on my side waiting for me to be done*

Aang - Suki coming to the mountains.

*I spit the water out of my mouth and into the water fountain. I quickly wiped my mouth and walked back to the gym with Aang.*

Toph - Whyyy gosh this trip is going to suck
Aang - I know, I didn't believe it at first
Aang - But I ask Sokka and he said it true
Toph - Why hasn't he told the whole group?
Toph - I mean it is my vacation house
Aang - I have a feeling It won't be a good trip

We continue playing hockey in class. Once school was over we headed to Sokka's car and of course, Suki was there. Once she saw me she left, But before she left she have Sokka a kiss on the lips.
Oggies Katara whispered to us,
The car ride was pretty silent and no one talked. Once I made it to my house I left without saying goodbye, I walked into my house and went straight to my room, and laid in bed.
I later got a call from the group chat and it was Sokka saying that he was taking Suki to the mountains. Everyone was upset no one like her in the group but yet he still dated her.
The week went by and before I knew it was Friday afternoon and we were driving up to the mountains.

𝑨𝒕𝒍𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 - 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗸𝗮Where stories live. Discover now