Chapter 3 - The sleepover

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No one point of view

Aang took his feet off the table and sat up straight.
Aang - That sounds fun.
Katara smiled and looked at Sokka to see what he thought. Sokka didn't notice he was still looking for food that he eats without having to cook.
Katara - "What do you say Toph"
Toph - Yeah sounds nice, my parents don't get back until tomorrow night so I'm good.
Katara - Great! Sokka what about you
Sokka - I live here so yeah
Katara - Aang what's wrong you look confused.
Aang -Your dads ok with me sleeping over cause you know
I'm a boy
And you're a girl.
( Aang blushed a little bit, Katara noticed and blushed as well. Toph stuck her tongue out at Aang teasing him)

Katara - Yeah he's totally fine, our dads cool and Trust me and Sokka

Toph - can't relate

Everyone laughed. Time passed and everyone was just chilling in the living room. Katara ordered some Panda Express. Toph took a nap on the couch. Aang was texting Gyatso about the sleepover. Sokka was playing Mario Cart on the tv.

The time was 7:30 Toph woke up to the smell of the food. She took her feet off of the couch, she saw Aang Sokka And Katara eating without her

Toph - You guys didn't bother to wake me up to eat. ( Toph sounded upset )
Katara - Sorry Toph
Sokka - We didn't want to wake you up
Katara - Yeah, you were in a deep sleep
Aang - Also the food just got here not even 10 minutes ago
Toph- ok I was just messing with you guys.
I'm starving.

The group ate the food and had a good time Sokka went up to his room to chill Toph took a shower ( I know very unlike her ) Aang and Katara chilled in the basement. The basement is where they hung out when there Toph and Aang came over. It was a big room with a big tv a long couch ping pong table a big bean bag and a popcorn machine.
Aang point of view

Katara was on her phone texting her other friends. I pretend to be on my phone but I wanted to talk to Katara and talk about my feelings for her
Aang - hey Katara
Katara -Hey Aang what's up
Aang - I've known you for a long time and
Katara - And?
Aang I wanted to tel-
( Aang was cut off by Sokka )
Sokka - Hey guys
Sokka - Toph is out of the shower and needs some PJs
Katara - ok I'll give some of mine if she can fit it she's so small
Aang- Yeah
(I agree Toph was 14 and was only 4"11)

Katara went upstairs and helped Toph. Sokka laid on the bean bag while watching tv, I was pretending to be on my phone. I was upset that he wasn't able to talk to Katara.
Toph point of view
I got out of the shower a walked to Katara's room. While walking I passed by Sokka room his door was opened and he got up
Sokka - Hey, want me to get Katara?
Toph - yeah
Sokka - I'll go get her

I wanted to say something,
Something that will make him like her more than just a friend. She had no time to think and yelled the first thing in her mind

Toph - I like - ( she stopped herself)

Sokka looked up from the middle of the stairs where he was standing and looked up at Toph

Sokka - I didn't hear you - what did you say Toph
Toph - Nothing, I just said thanks

Sokka went down to the basement to get Katara. I felt like an Idiot " what was I thinking, even if I was going to say I liked him why now when I'm soaking wet and look like shit"
I walked to Katara's room and waited for her.
Katara - Sokka said you need help with PJs
Toph - yeah I don't wear your PJs are and I don't know what to wear- you get the idea
Katara - yeah, wait one second
Katara - here are some shorts and a t-shirt it might be oversized on you
Toph - Thanks Katara
Katara - No problem, everyone is in the basement just to let you know
Toph - I'll be there soon

𝑨𝒕𝒍𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 - 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗸𝗮Where stories live. Discover now