Chapter Six

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> Blossoms POV <

I walked to my closet and pulled out a long sleeve pink shirt. I grabbed black skinny jeans, I slipped it on, I grabbed my brown winter boots. I walked over to my dresser, I grabbed the necklace and put it on. I grabbed my hairbrush and saw Brick appeared on my bed.

"This is crazy." Brick said as I shrugged.

"Not for me." I said as Brick sighed and fell backwards. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put on a pink hairband. I walked and picked up my bag, I ran towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs and saw my mom cooking, my dad drinking beer. I rolled my eyes and ran outside. I walked to my car and sat in the drivers seat.

"Do you think they drank blood again?" Brick asked me.

"Depending on their eyes. If they did, their eyes turn brighter." I said as I pulled up in the parking lot.

"Ok." He said as I ran up to Buttercup. I stared and saw a worried expression.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling." She said as Bubbles came running.

"Guys, I saw something." Bubbles huffed out.

"What?" Buttercup and I ask together.

"Another shapeshifter, he's right there." She said as she pointed towards a boy with black hair and blue streaks. His bright blue eyes and had a shapeshifter tattoo.

"What?" I whispered.

"Yeah, he shapeshifted into a teacher, I looked back and saw him turned back into himself." Bubbles said as I saw Boomer and Butch walking in. Their eyes was bright and their skin was paler.

"No, they didn't." Brick growled and stomped towards them.

"We need to talk to the shapeshifter." I said as they nodded. We walked towards him and the necklace glowed. I widened my eyes and looked at Bubbles and Buttercup. I bit my lip and tapped on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked with a russian accent, his blue eyes was scanning around the room.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Nikit, yours?" He said as he turned towards me.

"I'm Blossom, and this is Bubbles and Buttercup." I said as he widened his eyes.

"Ya'll are the most known in the supernatural world." Nikit whispered. I looked back them, Bubbles bit her lip and Buttercup shrugged.

"How?" Buttercup asked.

"Duh, the scroll." He said as he rolled his eyes, I looked back at Brick who was arguing with Boomer and Butch.

"What's the Scroll?" I asked.

"Some legend." Nikki said as the bell rang. "See ya." Nikit said as he shapeshifted into a raven. I looked back at Bubbles.

"It's a certain thing in Russian shapeshifters." She said as we walked towards my car.

"Where are we going?" Brick asked as he appeared next to me.

"Buttercups house." I said as Buttercup raised an eyebrow at me. "I need your spell books, since I have a witch near by. I don't have to go online." I said as we climbed in.

"What are you looking for exactly?" Buttercup asked me.

"Something." I said as I shrugged my shoulders, She sighed and I drove towards her house, I parked my car walked up to her door. I grabbed her key under the rug, I unlocked the door and ran up to her room.

"Damn, you act like it's your house." Buttercup said as they walked in her room.

"I wouldn't mind if it is." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I grabbed a spellbook and I flipped to the ghost section. I stop and saw a ghost appear spell.

"Will this work?" Brick asked as he floated over my head.

"Maybe." I said as I walked over to Buttercup. Brick floated towards us and put his hands under his chin and smiled.

"Can you try this?" I asked Buttercup, she read it over and nodded.

"Get him to stand in front of the mirror." Buttercup said as I motioned for Brick to do. He sighed and floated over, he sat on top of the dresser. He crossed his arms and nodded.

"He's there." I said as Buttercup nodded.

"What is it?" Bubbles asked.

"A spell to make Brick appear." I said as she nodded.

"Blossom, I don't think this will work." Brick said.

"Hey, I can cast some good spells. I'll make you into a horse's ass." Buttercup said as Bubbles gasped.

"What kind of clothes are those." Bubbles said as Brick looked down.

"It's from my tim-, wait you can see me?" Brick asked as his red eyes wided. They nodded and Brick jumped on the dresser, he danced and shouted oh yeah.

"This is your ghost?" Buttercup said as she pointed towards Brick.

"Yeah, and I can't seem to figure out what's keeping him here." I said as Brick stopped dancing.

"Let's go to his death place." Bubbles said as Brick jumped off.

"I don't think my grave is pretty yet." Brick said as Buttercup face palmed.

"Your house." I said as we walked downstairs.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Brick said as we climbed in my car.

"Oh well." I said as I drove off to his house. Brick kept rambling and trying to get us to turn back. I sighed and pulled up to his house, I got out and walked in the house.

"It's not locked?" Brick asked as he frowned.

"No why?" I asked. Brick opened his mouth but a gunshot and he disappeared. Bubbles widened her eyes, I looked around and saw blood seeping from the floor. Buttercup raised an eyebrow and saw two people upstairs. I looked and saw Boomer and Butch. I ran up and they disappeared.

"What?" I asked as Bubbles and Buttercup followed me. I turned to see black mist, I walked back with Bubbles and Buttercup. We hit the wall and a bad smell hit the room. I gagged and felt light headed. My eyes started to drop, and my knees started to wobbled. I slid down the wall and Bubbles widened her eyes.

"You have to shapeshift." I said as she shooked her.

"That's too dangerous." Bubbles said as Buttercup put a forcefield around us.

"And this isn't?" Buttercup said as Bubbles bit her lip.

"But, what if I can't shapeshift back?" She said as black clouded the room. I widened my eyes and looked at Bubbles with pleading eyes.

"Please!" Buttercup and I said together. She sighed and bit her lip.

"To what?" Bubbles asked.

"Black mist, lead them out the house and we'll make a run for it." I said as she nodded. She transformed and Buttercup let the shield. The smell hit my nose and Bubbles lead them out. I gasped and started to open the window. I stuck my head out and taking deep breaths. Buttercup patted my back and I turned and ran outside. I walked to my car and laid my head on the steering wheel.

"Told you." Brick said as he appeared next to me.

"Shut up." I said as Buttercup and Bubbles climbed.

"See that wasn't hard." I said to Bubbles.

"Let's just get to school." Bubbles said as I started the car. I drove towards the school, Bubbles laid her head on the window. Buttercup sighed and rubbed her face, I stared at the road, I tapped my fingers listening to Rock Me by One Direction. I glanced at the time, I looked up to see a girl and boy walking across the road. I gasped and turned, as I turned my car hit the tree. 

Heyyo Guys!!

So heres chapter six!!!!!!!!!! And it ends with a cliffy!! So find out in the next chapter, Byes Loves Yalls!!!!!

Humans Eyes (Blossick AU) *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now