Prince!Osomatsu/Prince!Karamatsu and Princess!Timid!Reader

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Inspired by shimmering_clouds's prompt.

"I knew I'd find you here."

A young boy looked over his shoulder to see his older twin leaning against the small door frame, a coy smirk resting on his lips. Dark hair was tossed about on his head, proof that he had been running around previously in the day, and his dark eyes always held a spark of energy no matter what was being talked about.

Giving a small sigh, the younger twin shifted his own dark eyes back towards the garden that spread out from underneath the window like a large fancy carpet, the gardeners tending to it as they always did.

"Get yelled at by your swordsmanship tutor again?"

"Bug off, Osomatsu," The young boy snapped, the corner of his lip curling back into a snarl, "Just because you're amazing at that kind of stuff doesn't mean that I'm able to do it."

The older twin laughed a little before sitting opposite the younger, looking out the same window and enjoying the same view, "Mayhaps, but you've always been better at book studies than me, Karamatsu. When I become king, I'll leave the diplomatic stuff to you while I keep our kingdom safe."

"Yeah, right," Karamatsu scoffed, the snarl disappearing quickly as he spoke, "You'd just keep charging into war while I have to clean up your messes."

"Hey, I'm not that violent!"

"Say that to the scar on your face."

Osomatsu's lips shifted into a pout, a hand raising up to the thin white line that was carved from his left forehead to the middle of his chin. The gash had healed a long time ago, but the light scar it left behind was still visible to those that looked too closely.

"The man deserved what he did to me," The older twin stuck out his tongue to no one in particular, "He tried to swindle me with some cheap trinket and attacked when I called his scam. It's not my fault."

"You made our parents worry sick about you," Karamatsu leaned back against the stonework, relaxing his shoulders as he watched the gardeners continue their meticulous work, "Serves you right for going out with just one--who's that?"

Both young men leaned forward towards the small window, their combined attention grabbed by the same figure walking through the garden. Her attire was clearly more regal than the hired help's blacks and browns, showing off the royal blue dye that her dress was stained with. Compared to the other working adults around her, she was smaller which meant that she was probably around their age.

"Ugh...not another one," They both groaned at the same time, pulling back from the window with grimaces on their faces.

The king and queen had started entertaining other nearby noble families in efforts to spread their territory and to wed off the twin sons to strengthen their influence. While the twin princes were young enough to be married, neither of them had agreed on the proposed girls. They knew that time was growing short for them before a marriage was arranged without their input.

"How many is that this month?" Karamatsu rubbed a hand against the back of his neck, looking towards his twin brother.

"The fifth one," Osomatsu lowered his head before standing up, switching his gaze from the young girl to his brother, "Come on...let's get this over with."

Climbing down their small hideaway room, the princes corrected their partially disheveled appearances before heading out into the garden, ignoring the servants that greeted and bowed to them. The young noblewoman had made her way towards the back of the garden, ducking into a small hedge maze with a fountain at the center. Karamatsu looked towards Osomatsu and nodded, both of them heading into the maze and maneuvering their way around towards the center easily.

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