The New Girl

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I put my ear buds in my ears and pressed play. The song "What you wanted" by one republic came on. The bus ride was rocky and loud. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy when I sat down in the front. I ignored them, I'm used to being looked at like that. I wore a grey t-shirt with a green army jacket and light washed jeans with combat boots. I had a black backpack, nothing special. I don't know why everyone was looking at me like that actually, maybe I sat in someone's seat? Or maybe it was the huge bruise that covered my left cheek.
Finally the bus got to the school and the kids started to file out, we got out and there was a huge sign that said "Welcome to Morton High School!" I sighed and walked in, everyone was waiting on the bleachers so I plopped down on the first level of bleachers. I unlocked my iPhone and read the time;7:45. I only have 15 minutes until the bell rings. I pulled out my schedule, it said "Go to Office first thing in the morning."
I got up and roamed around the school until I found the main office. I twisted the door knob open and saw a girl and a boy sitting down. I looked at the lady in the front desk, who had a big smile plastered on her face. Her eye twitched when she saw me, her smile didn't fade, because she didn't want to be rude. That's the look everyone gave me the first time they saw me.
"Hi! You must be Ashley!" The lady exclaimed.
"Yeah." I said flashing a small smile.
"Perfect Drew will be helping you."
I turned around to see a tall, slim boy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He smiled and stood up sticking out his hand. I was confused why his hand was out, and then I realized that I was suppose to shake his hand. I shook his hand and he started to talk, but it was all a blur to me.
"Hello?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah sorry." I said looking at the floor.
"Can I see your schedule?" He said sticking his hand out at me again.
I looked at him, and froze. He stood there awkwardly waiting for me to do something. I chuckled lightly trying to brush off my stupidity.
"Yeah it's right here." I said pulling it out of my backpack. I really didn't want to go, I just wanted to go back home.
"Okay, wow." He said raising his eyebrows. I wonder why he was shocked. What did I do? I was probably in really low classes. It's not my fault!
"What?" I said quietly, looking down at the floor.
"Nothing, nothing at all. We have all our classes together, except gym. So I'll save you a spot at lunch." He said smiling.
I nodded and stood there. I didn't know what to do.
"So let's go to your locker." He said putting his hand on my back leading me out.
I jumped as soon as his hand touched my back. I flipped around and hit his arm. I ran down the hall, looking for somewhere to hide. What does he think this is? Why would he touch me like that? That's not normal!
"Ashley! Wait Ashley where are you going?" He yelled after me.
He's acting like he didn't do anything. What the heck is wrong with this kid?
"Ashley that's not were your locker is." He said calmly.
"Why did you touch me like that?" I said frowning a bit.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you um-" he couldn't find anymore words. He looked concerned though.
"It's okay, I'm just not used to it I guess." I said feeling bad that I ran from him.
He smiled and motioned for me to follow him. We walked around the corner in silence, I wasn't sure if I should start conversation or just leave him alone.
Finally we reached the locker, and I got my locker open easily. I was very good with opening locks, I had to do it all the time back at my old house.
"Wow, did you have locks at your old school? I've never seen someone get it that easy." He said raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, I practiced at home a little." I lied.
"Oh that makes more sense." He said grinning, his dimples showing again.
I got my math book, and slammed my locker shut. I looked at Drew who was already walking down the hall to our class. We got there a few minutes earlier, other people were lining up behind us chating amongst themselves.
"Are you nervous?" Drew asked turning towards me.
"Why would I be nervous?" I asked.
"I don't know. Everyone seems nervous who's new. You shouldn't be though, honest everyone's nice here." He said nodding his head.
"That's good, but no I'm not nervous. Ill just kinda stay in the back I guess. Under the raydar Ya know?" I said grinning a little bit.
"No, don't. You should make friends. Why don't you come by my place after school? I'll invite some people over." He said.
"Are you sure?" I said questioning him.
"Yeah." He said flashing his dimples.
"Okay yeah." I replied. Maybe getting to know people wouldn't be that bad. I hope.

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