Chapter 17

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A/N the really cute guy in the pic up there is Ethan 😂😍😍😍👍

Ashley's Pov
A million things were roaming around in my head at the moment. Drew asked me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to, why wouldn't I? But what about Drew? What if Zach got mad again? What if Drew was just kidding, and would ditch me soon? Am I even ready to date again? I think I love Drew. I have to say yes. Right?

"Ash?" Drew pleaded, "Please answer."
"Yes." I said too fast.
"Yes? Like yes you'll be my girlfriend?" Drew said, a smiling tugging at his lips.
I nodded and but down on my lip. I really didn't know what to say, but I was happy, and relived. I've been wanting to date Drew for such a long time, and now it felt like I was in heaven.
Drew practically jumped on top of me hugging me, and showering me with kisses. I laughed and giggled until my ribs started to hurt. I love this feeling so much, I never wanted anything to change. I wanted to be with Drew forever, and I hope he feels the same way about me.
"I love you Ashley." He said.
"I love you Drew." I said my smile growing bigger and bigger.


Drew left at midnight and for some reason I couldn't sleep without him. I kept thinking about him, and how we we're dating. I don't know what I would do without him. He's the reason why I actually have a social life. My phone beeped and I reached over to get it.
Ethan; hey! I know it's late but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?
Me; it's okay I could sleep lol. But sure sounds good😊
Ethan; okay how bout we go roller skating?
Me; yay! I love roller skating.
Ethan; awesome I'll pick you up at 11pm.

I woke up at 11am. What the heck? I never wake up this late. Oh well. I got up to look in the mirror, and see what I had to deal with today. Mascara was smeared down my face, and I shook my head. I knew I should of taken ,y makeup off before I went to bed. Too late now.
I hopped into the shower, shaved my legs, washed my hair, and jumped out. I blow dried my hair, and began to pick out my outfit. I wore blue jean shorts with a white lace top, and brown flats. I put on a little bit of makeup and went downstairs to eat.
I wonder what Drew was doing. I can't believe I'm going out with him. It's so weird to think about, but I love it. I hope he's not mad that I'm hanging out with Ethan. It's not like it's a date or anything. We're just friends that's all we are, and that's all we'll ever be. I just hope Drew knows that.
I decided to call Drew just to tell him. I don't want him to think I'm hiding anything from him.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hello beautiful." He said, making me smile.
" I just wanted to tell you I'm hanging out with this kid Ethan today." I said trying to sound nice.
"You are?" He said.
"Yes." I said unsure of what he was thinking about.
"Okay baby be careful." He said.
A huge sigh of relief flew over me. He wasn't mad.

kinda weird place to end but oh well.
BTW GUYS THANK U SO MUCH FOR 1.k + VIEWS. I was having such a bad day you guys made me sooooo much happier.
Love you guys💖💜💙💚

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