Chapter 14

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Zachs Pov
It was 11:00am and I couldn't help but have this horrible pain in my stomach. I just felt that something is going wrong. I feel horribly for even talking to Zoey. I wish she never came up to my door, I never meant to hurt Ashley. I hated that she was hurt, and that she was crying. I dicieded to leave her alone, and maybe she'll be better in the morning.

I got up out of my bed to see if she as okay. I had to just check on her. I quickly snuck over to her room, and slowly opened the door. I looked on the bed to see ruffled up sheets with nobody in there. I was confused, and immediately started panicking. Where's Ashley?

I looked all around her bedroom, the house, screaming her name. I didn't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks until I out my hands over my face and cried. I went outside to look for her, she couldn't be that far. I went down the block, around the corner. No Ashley.

I ran to the bus stop that was three blocks away, and there I saw Ashley getting onto the bus. As the bus started pulling away, I ran and ran and ran. I ran for two blocks, when finally I caught up to it and banged on the back of it. It came to a sudden stop and I ran onto the bus.

"Ashley! You get your butt off this bus right now! C'mob." I said putting my hand on my hip.
Her cheeks were flamed with embaresment, but I didn't care. She could of given my a heart attack. Who does that girl think she is? Trying to runaway? Not on my watch.

She rolled her eyes, and walked off the bus earning many laughs from the people around us.

"What do you think you're doing?" I scolded her stopping in my tracks.
"Okay I know it was stupid." She aditmitted.
"Ashley I love you. You never even gave me time to explain myself, you never do. You have to start trusting me. I'm you're big brother, and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. Please just let me explain." I pleaded.
"Okay." She said looking at her feet.
"Zoey came to the apartment because she still likes me. She thinks that I still like her, but I don't, and I told her that. Okay? She's just some weird clingy girl." I said.
"I'm sorry." Ashley said sighing. She looked confused, like she didn't mean to runaway. I think she was just in the moment.

"Don't do that again." I said pulling her into my arms.
"I won't." She said smiling.

The rest of the walk was quiet. Neither of us talked, but it wasn't awkward. She stayed close to me, as if she was scared to go any further. I smiled whenever she did that. I'm glad she felt safe with me. I only wanted what was best for her.
I know Ashley is having a hard time believing what I said about Zoey. She'll get over it I guess.
We finally got to our condos, and a blonde girl was standing infront of our door. As if reading my mind Ashley held me hand and whispered, "I believe you now."

I hate Zoey.

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