Chapter 25: Preparations

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It was a foggy spring morning, and Zuko sat in the Jasmine Dragon, sipping at a steaming mug of green tea. Across from him was an empty seat, and a cup of black tea. The Jasmine Dragon didn't serve coffee, but the black tea was the strongest stuff they had. A cheerful bell jingled and Mai walked in. True to form, her outfit was a combination of an edgy high schooler and an old lady. She was wearing a sagging black skirt and a baggy, burgandy sweatshirt that said 'Anti you' on it. Spirits, his girlfriend was beautiful. Mai sat down and sipped at the black tea.

"So," Zuko said apprehensively, "College?" Mai sighed.

"Hira'a college of the arts," she said. 

"I've never heard of it."

"It's out of state, pretty small," a small smile tugged at the corners of her face, "I'll get my English lit degree and write poetry," there was a wistful look in her eyes, "I think I'll fit right in," she turned to face him, "and you?" 

"Sozin university," Zuko said. Mai's eyes widened slightly.

"But didn't your-"

"I know my great grandfather founded it," Zuko said, "but I don't want to run from my past. Besides, it's a good business school and I want to stay in state, so I can take care of uncle if he ever needs me." Mai nodded.

"So, should we... keep it going," she asked, "Do you think a long distance relationship will work?" 

"I don't know," Zuko said, "but I guess we'll never know if we don't try it."


The fog had mostly cleared away by the afternoon, and Katara and Aang were busy setting up for the dance that night. There were boxes and boxes of fairy lights sitting on the brick courtyard of the school, and a few tables were spaced around the edges where they would put food from the Jasmine Dragon. 

"I still can't believe such an esteemed school like this doesn't have a prom," Aang complained as he started to untangle the fairy lights, "That was like, the main reason I went to a public school in the first place!" 

"What about mastering all four elements," Katara said flatly. 

"That too." Katara sat next to him and helped untangle the lights. 

"We've got two years left here," she said, "I bet we could make it happen."

"Two years," they looked up into the clear sky, "Is that even that long?"

"I don't know," Katara said, "I'm glad I'll have you with me though."

"Sorry to interrupt your love fest," Toph strode into the courtyard and earthbent a bench to sit on, "I heard that there would be free food."

"Zuko, Mai and Iroh are going to come with food in an hour or so," Aang said. 

"Cool," Toph started earthbending random statues around the courtyard, "Does that look good."

"Toph, that-" Katara expected a jumbled mess, but Toph seemed to have a knack for outdoor design, "That actually looks really good." Toph smirked and ran out to the field, presumably to make more statues. Aang carried two stepladders out to the courtyard and set them down.

"Ready to put up the lights?"

"Ready." There were a few blossoming trees in the courtyard, that were close enough to use to string the lights. Aang helped Katara up the stepladder, snuck a quick kiss, and all throughout the next few minutes, Katara couldn't stop smiling. When had her life gotten so perfect?

"Excuse me, peasants," And... things were no longer perfect. Azula stood in the courtyard, with a frown on her face, "I'm looking for Ty Lee, is she here?" 

"No," Aang jumped out of the tree, "The dance isn't until six. It's only four."

"Well, I thought that maybe she would be helping you out, since you're best friends now, and all that," her voice was bitter. Aang and Katara glanced at each other. 

"You should come in a few hours," Katara said, "She'll be there then."

"Unless you want to help us out right now!" Aang cut in. Azula grimaced and walked away without saying a word. 

"Well, she didn't burn down the courtyard, so that's a plus," Katara said, "I doubt she'll come back, though."

"I don't know," Aang said, "I think she really cares about Ty Lee." Sokka and Suki walked up to them. They were passing a soccer ball between them.

"Why was Azula here," Sokka whispered loudly, worriedly. 

"Sokka, she's too far away to hear you," Katara said dryly, "She was looking for Ty Lee."

"Oh, well in that case," Katara had just noticed that the two of them were holding something behind their backs, "We brought confetti cannons!" 

"That's awesome!" Aang immediately said. Katara frowned, knowing that they would have to pick the confetti up in the morning. 

"But it's going to be dark," Aang said.

"That's why we got glow in the dark confetti cannons!" Katara checked the label and groaned. They were indeed, glow in the dark confetti cannons. 

"What's confetti?" Toph asked, joining them.

"Colored pieced of paper," Sokka said. 

"Oh," Toph said, "I don't see the appeal."

"Of course you don't." Zuko's gray Audi pulled up, and Zuko, Mai, and Iroh came out, carrying lots and lots of food. Mai handed Toph a paper cup.

"Black coffee," she said by way of explanation. Toph smiled evilly. 

"I brought five different kinds of tea," Iroh said excitedly. 

"Tea?" Katara said as she helped place the food on the tables, "That's... different." They continued to decorate, laying out homemade pastries from the Jasmine Dragon (Iroh had made a ton of them) setting up some corn hole boards in the field, clearing the area for dancing, though they doubted many people would actually dance, and Katara begrudgingly placed the confetti cannons in the trees (they would go off later).

"Well, that's a wrap," Aang said as they admired their handiwork. He checked his watch, "And we have ten minutes left." Everyone else dispersed and it was just Aang and Katara." Aang took a small remote to light up the fairy lights out of his pocket. Thanks to Zuko's money, they had been able to splurge on the decorations. 

"Here," he said, handing it to Katara, who took his hand, and smiled. Then she kissed him on the cheek, pressed a button on the remote, and the courtyard was enveloped in a beautiful golden glow. 


Thanks for Reading!

Shout outs to- 

Rtp1rtp2rtp3 for writing a review of my story and being one of my first followers, Evah1129 for your lovely comments, and Gonxkillua16447TV06SD, and Gaby2552 for being some of the first people to follow me. 

Also FYI I changed the cover (again) to a modern Suki, because Suki is best girl. 

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