Chapter 16: The Beifong Estate

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Zuko walked with Sokka and Suki through the halls of Four Elements High School, and he was miserable.

"What does the cabbage salesmen use to fix his cabbages?" Sokka asked, with the biggest grin on his face.

"A cabbage patch?" Suki guessed.

"What? How did you know." Then they started laughing for no apparent reason. They had definitely missed each other's company over the last few months, but neither of them had confessed their feelings. Suki waved goodbye to them and went to her next class. 

"Sokka, I need to know what's going on with you today." Katara ran up to them.

"What do you mean"

 "We're seeing Toph's parents tonight, and I can't have you getting distracted."

"Distracted by who?"

"I think you know who. Look, everyone knows you like Suki, so you need to confess." 

"Well I- I- Not everyone knows," Sokka stuttered.

"Yes. Everyone knows," Zuko confirmed, "It's pretty obvious."

"Hey Katara!" Aang came up to them, "I found this flower in Guru Pathik's garden and I thought I'd give it you."

"Aang, this is beautiful," she blushed and tucked the flower in her hair. 

"They're pretty obvious too," Zuko muttered.

"Make sure you're dressing in semi formal attire for tonight," Toph said, joining them. The five of them looked at her confusedly. 

"Just look it up on the internet," Toph said with a frown. 


As Aang walked up to the huge iron gate, he wondered if he had made it to the right address. It was dark, so he couldn't see beyond the gate, but there was an intimidating looking guard standing at the front.

"Is this the Beifong estate?" he asked timidly.

"Aang!" Katara and Sokka came up to him. 

"Hey Katara! Hey Sokka!" he saw Katara in a ruffled sky blue dress, "Katara, you look really nice."

"Thanks," she said softly.

"Hey guys!" Suki ran up to them, with Zuko close behind. She was surprisingly agile in her sleeveless green dress. The guard at the gate looked at all of them judgingly.

"Welcome to the Beifong estate. Follow me please," he said tiredly, as if he would fall asleep at any moment. The five of them glanced at each other before following him. Beyond the gate were what seemed like acres and acres of gardens. Even though it was winter, they were still beautiful. Lampposts lit their way, glowing with a soft yellow light. Stone statues sat eerily throughout the gardens, glaring ominously at them. A babbling brook weaved its way down the path. Suki gracefully jumped over the stream. Sokka tried to follow suit, but ended up tripping.

"Are you ok!?" Suki was barely able to catch him. There faces were inches away from each other.

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"You guys have to be more careful," Katara quickly walked towards them, saw that Sokka's shoes had gotten wet, and waterbended them dry, "We need to be on our best behavior." 


Katara saw Toph cringe as she and her friends came up the path towards the house.

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