What Happened?

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of a heart monitor as well as soft voices talking around me. I try my best to open my eyes but groan at the bright light. The voices go silent as I allow my eyes to adjust to the bright white light. Even though I can't quite see them yet, I can feel their gazes on me.

After blinking my eyes a couple of times, my surroundings come into focus. As I take a moment to look around the room, I can tell that I'm in the hospital. The walls are white with a simple wooden band to split them in half. On either side of the bed are a collection of machines that are hooked up to me.

When I look over toward my right, I see my father and his wife Stacie. I see a glimpse of worry in his eyes before they fill with relief at the sight of me.

My stepmother grabs my hand that lays on the bed and holds it. "Oh I'm so glad you're awake. We were so worried."

"What happened...?" I ask quietly. My throat was dry and even sore. My voice itself was rough and I personally had a hard time speaking.

My father places a hand carefully on my leg before speaking. "You and Hiccup were in a car crash."

A car crash??

Shortly after he spoke the words, memories started to flood into my mind of all that happened. Hiccup and I were on our way back from the Mayor's office after going to ask him about his relationship with Viggo. We found out Viggo and Stoick used to be friends until Viggo lost his family. He blamed everything on Hiccup's family, saying it was their fault.

We had just pulled away from a stop sign when a moving van speed forward and hit Hiccup's side of the car. He was out immediately. I tried my best to get him to wake up but I was already in so much pain. I didn't feel any of it, I was more worried about losing Hiccup than I was about any possible injuries I could've had. I noticed he had cuts all over his arm as well as a giant gash on his head.

I only saw a couple of his injuries before passing out. I don't fully know how but I believe I remember getting whacked in the back of the head with something. I'm not sure what it was or who did it. Everything around me seemed like a blur expect Hiccup.


"Where's Hiccup?" I croaked as I tried to sit up.

My step mother gently pushes me back down, keeping me from getting up. "Just relax Astrid. You need rest."

"Where's Hiccup?" I ask again.

Both of my parents look at one another before looking back at me. They both have a look of sorrow written on their faces. I watch as my stepmother gently places a hand on my shoulder as my father takes my hand. I look at their faces to see if I could find any clue as to where Hiccup may be.

I go to open my mouth and ask the question again, but before I have a chance to do so, my father answers me. "We don't know."

"You... you don't know? What do you mean you don't know?" Worry and fear start to fill my stomach as the worst possibilities come to mind.

My father takes a deep breath before explaining it all to me. "No one saw him at the crash site. Apparently you were the only person in the car when the ambulance arrived. I had the entire force check the surroundings. No sign of him anywhere."

My heart sank as I heard the news. I couldn't believe it. No one knows where he is. There's no way he could've gotten up and walked away. He was unconscious when it happened. I saw him unresponsive in the drivers seat, I saw him.

"No....... No......" Tears threatened my eyes as the thoughts scrolled in my mind. My vision became blurry and it became hard to breath. My father had stepped forward and carefully pulled me into his arms. I cried in his arms and buried my face in his shoulder.

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