Time to Move

648 10 13

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Alright, Haddock. Tell me, have you figured out why you're here yet?"

I keep my lips shut as I stare ahead at the bald man before me. To answer his question, I haven't figured out why I'm here. The only information that I have about this man is that he is a brute who is related to our prisoner, Viggo Grimborn. Besides that, I have no clue as to why he has me locked up in an abandoned jailhouse.

He gives me a smug smirk as he eyes my almost emotionless expression. "I'll take your silence as a 'no' then." He chuckles. "I would assume that with the incredible knowledge that you possess, you would've figured it out by now."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but with the small amount of food, little sleep, and uncomfortable living conditions, it's not incredibly easy to think. Also, don't let me forget that I always seem to be in pain. I haven't exactly received medical attention since I got into the car accident I'm assuming you caused." I watch him closely as I speak, seeing if anything, in particular, sets him off.

"Well, at least you were able to figure something out." He laughs. "I was the one who crashed into your precious car, so you got that part right. For me to get my hands on you, I needed to find a way to knock you out or at least make you unmoveable." He leans back in his chair and tosses his right arm over the chair. "An accident seemed like the best thing, and honestly, I liked the idea."

"So it seems." I sigh. "Well, now that you have me, what are you planning to do with me? One of the first times we met, you said that you needed me alive. Why?" I ask.

Instead of answering my question right away, Ryker stays quiet. He stays in his position with his arm draped over the back of the chair as he possibly thinks about what to say. From the last conversation I've had with him, he didn't seem very happy about the idea of keeping me alive. He brought me cold chili and expressed how much he wanted to kill me. With the little conversations that we've had in the past 48 hours, I can tell he despises me very much.

After five minutes of complete silence, I start getting the feeling that he doesn't want to tell me why I'm here. Either he wants me to figure out the reason myself, or he wants to make me wait to tell me. Though I'm sure it could be millions of reasons as to why he hasn't said a thing about my imprisonment.

Just when I start thinking he won't answer my question, he speaks up. "You are the key to punishing the man who had everything."

I look at him curiously. "Who are you punishing?"

"Your father, the mayor."

Jack's P.O.V.

"There are six different entrances into this building. In total, we will have six teams of four. Each team will go into a different entrance."

Elsa starts dividing up the teams as well as telling them which entrance they will enter. Each team of four will be lead by Elsa, me, and four other detectives that joined us on the scene. Each team leader will be able to communicate with coms if anything happens. Team one will go in through the front while team six enters through the back. Teams two through five will enter through the side entrances which were used for emergencies when the building was functional.

After discussing the overall plan of entering the building, each team heads out to prep themselves. While they double-check their weapons, I personally double-check my bulletproof vest and my own weapon. As I make sure I have enough ammo for our infiltration, I take a moment to turn my attention towards Elsa, who is also preparing for the plan.

Her gaze continues to linger on the blueprint covered with marks. With her hands on either side of the print, I watch as her brows furrow together in anticipation and thought. Even with her platinum hair tied back into a ponytail, there are still a few strays that fall around her thinking face. Her icy gaze continues to look at the plan before her, almost as if she's trying to memorize it for the 100th time.

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