Xiao x Reader [Till We Meet Again]

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You are recently on your way to Liyue from Mondstat. Life in Mondstat wasn't going well for you, and you needed a change of scenery and a change of pace. So, why not move to somewhere new? Of course, getting used the the cultural differences between the two cities will be difficult, but you will manage. You've been travelling for a while, and decided to stay at the Wangshu Inn for a night or two before you start heading to Liyue again.

Oh my, was the Inn ever pretty! You had quite a bit of mora saved up, and planned out having to spend a few nights here, so you were excited to head in! You started to head up the stairs before someone stopped you.

"Oh, wait! There is construction on the stairs recently, please take the elevator." You nodded in response and started heading towards the elevator.

"I wonder why the stairs are under construction. Though, looking up, I'm sure there are a lot of stairs. Maybe taking the elevator is a better idea in the first place." You walk over to the elevator and wait in front of it to come back down. As you are waiting, a man decides to wait beside you. You slightly look to your side to see him better. And oh my, was he ever beautiful.

His shimmered gold and his hair had teal hints to it. He had a purple diamond on his forehead and beautiful tattoos covering his arms. His jewelry shined and his clothes looked like they were sewed by the Geo Archon himself. He looked like a god! What is someone who looks so royal doing here.

"Your staring is making me uncomfortable." The boy seemed to catch your eyes on him while you were day dreaming. His gold orbs pierced through your [e/c] ones. Heat rushed to your face and you quickly slapped your hands over your eyes in a panic.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" You managed to stutter out an apology and he clicked his tongue. Gosh, he probably thinks you're a weirdo now. What if he thinks you were trying to steal the jewelry off of him?!

The elevator finally came down and the two of you got on. The silence was awkward and the atmosphere felt thick. While you two were waiting, suddenly, the elevator stopped with a clunk. The sudden stop made you lose your balance and fall onto your knees. The boy seemed to be slightly off balance aswell but managed to keep his stance.

"Tch, now the elevator is broken too? Of course... guess I'll have to tell Verr about this." He seemed extremely annoyed by the tone of his voice. You started to pick yourself up when you saw a hand out in front of you. The boy was holding your hand to help you! When you looked up at him, he was looking away and... was he blushing? You pushed your weird thought out of your head.

"Are you going to take my hand or not?" You forgot that he was just standing with his hand out for you.

"Ah! Sorry! I mean— thank you!" You took his hand gingerly and he helped you up. Both of you were trying to find a way off of the elevator. Looking down, it was too high. If you jumped down, you would break your ankles. And the both of you were too short to reach the top, and heck, you probably wouldn't even be able to pull yourself up anyway.

"Look." The boy said, he pointed at the tree that was to the left of the two of you.

"If we jump and climb the tree, we can climb to the top floor. The tree is connected to it."

"J-Jump?! With all my things I can't jump that!"

"We can send someone to get your things later, so leave them here." The boy was already on the railing of the elevator and heading towards the tree.

"Wait! I still don't think I can jump that..." He looked at you up and down and then looked back at the tree.

"Don't worry. You can." The boy leaps onto the tree with ease and grace. It's almost like he just floated across. His hair flowed back with the wind, along with his clothing. It was like watching an angel fly. He turned around and held out his arms to you. The boy mustered a gentle smile, to reassure you. His entire attitude seemed to change around you.

"You can do it. I will catch you. I promise I won't let you fall." His words were like music to your ears. His smile made the world turn upside down. Everything seemed like it stopped in time. With his words, you trusted him without even a second thought.

You hesitantly hopped up onto the railing of the elevator and looked back at him. You were still extremely scared, if you fell, you would most certainly die. But, when you looked back up at him, those fears disappeared. You took in a deep breath, and leapt with all your might. You clenched your eyes and held out your arms, praying you would fall into him.

And as the adepti answered your prayer, everything felt like slow motion. You felt his soft clothing and his smooth skin. Your chest's connected and his arms snaked around your waist, and his chin fit perfectly onto his shoulder, as yours did to his. You peaked through one eye, and saw the bark of the tree.

"I did it!" You started smiling and you laughed at yourself.

"I'm proud, you did a great job." Suddenly, heat rushed to your face. Your heart started pounding and butterflies tickled your stomach. He said he was proud of you. You realized you were still holding on to him and quickly pushed yourself off.

"Now, don't let go of my hand. We are going to climb up to that branch up there, okay? It goes straight onto the floor that we need to go to." You nodded in agreement. Once again, he held out his hand to you. Blush once again rose to your cheeks as you gingerly took his hand once again. He held onto yours tightly, and hesitantly, you firmed your grip back.

The two of you climbed the tree together, he helped you up most of it while he seemed to be having no trouble at all, almost like this elevator breaks often. Eventually, the two of you got onto the floor. You looked back at the mysterious boy. His face was red and he was looking away from you.

"You can let go now." You glanced down at the both of your hands still connected. You yelped and quickly held both your arms behind your back in embarrassment. The boy smirked at you and then started walking away.

"Wait! What's your name? I... never got it." He turned around and looked at you with wanting eyes. Almost like he didn't want to leave. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with you.

"My name is Xiao. I am always here at the Wangshu Inn. When you finish your travels, come and visit me again. I.. enjoy your company here." He mumbled the last part but you heard it crystal clear. You gave him a beaming smile and nodded.

"My name is [Y/N]. Of course! And, I enjoy your company aswell, Xiao."

"Till we meet again, [Y/N]."

Word count: 1259

𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ✧˖°.Where stories live. Discover now