The Fifth Letter

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Dear Chen,

Yesterday, I saw a teenager, most probably a delinquent, go up to a random boy and punch him in the face.

Why do people tend to fight? Is it because it is fun? Or is it to express their strength?


Is there a specific reason to why fights break out?

Why does one have to get hurt by another human being?

I do not understand,


Dear Yoojin,

I cannot say that I have never fought in my life, because I did.

Actually, I believe that if someone fightterm ore often than not, there must be a reason behind it.

Probably the opponent hurt a loved one of his, or maybe that person was taunted by the said opponent.

However, not every reason is reasonable, and many times pain is brought out merely because of the emotional agression which is not controlled.

Either way, we all have to find the safest way to bring out our feelings, so that we may be able to help ourselves and others in the best way.

Now, how do we do that?


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