Thank you

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Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine

He rubbed his eyes looking at the window seeing it's already morning he still felt sleepy but decided to wake up, he then turned and looked at ice peacefully sleeping he stared for a moment and then got out of bed and went down stairs

"Morning blaze!" Gempa greeted seeing blaze walking towards him "huahh... Morning gempa" Blaze then sat down still half asleep

"If u were tired why didn't you sleep more?" Gempa then ask looking at blaze clearly still sleepy "I'm not tired..." Blaze then said "sureee" Gempa rolled his eyes and gave blaze his breakfast

"Why didn't you cook more for us when we we're at school" Blaze ask while eating his breakfast "who did you think cook you breakfast every morning!?" Gempa grips his arms and teeth "uhhhhhhhhh" Blaze said didn't know what to say, gempa sighed and continued cooking

"Morning guys!" Taufan greeted walking down the stairs "morning taufan" Blaze replied "good morning taufan and good morning too hali" Gempa then looked at hali standing under the stairs "g-good morning" Hali said "jeez your such a tsundere" Taufan teased "why you little!"

"If u guys are going to keep fighting this frying pan will fly and land in front of your faces" Gempa then stared at the two, while blaze just laugh and enjoying his breakfast

"Guys me and taufan are going to go now" Gempa said putting on his shoe "where you going?" Blaze then ask "we're going to the restaurant for a bit" Taufan then answered "we'll be back at 5, bye" Gempa then closed the door

"Also thorns in charge" Gempa closed the door again "what!?" The others said "yey thorns in charge!" Thorn said excited, solar sighed and continued eating his breakfast

"Yeah idc I'm still not going to work today" Ice then walked back upstairs "who said ur allowed too" Thorn then had a scary smiled with dead eyes glaring at ice "it's either u go to work or you stay here tied up in the basement with the light's off until gempa and taufan got back" Thorn then took a rope

"On second thought I rather go to work" Ice said "cmon ice were gonna be late" Blaze then opened the door, ice sighed and closed the door leaving Thorn, Solar, and Hali

"I wanted to sleep today" Ice mumbled staring at the window "u can sleep in the room their in your office I can do your work for today" Blaze suggested "huh no it's fine" Ice smiled

At work ice accidently fell asleep while working blaze came in and let ice sleep while he did the work

"hm, what time is it" Ice rubbed his eyes " It's already 5!?" Ice then thought surprised "the paper-" Ice then looked at blaze who fell asleep at his desk with the finished paper in his hand

Ice then got closer to blaze, he smiled as he saw him sleeping he then kissed blaze cheek and cleaned up after he was done he carried blaze inside the car

While driving back home blaze feel asleep in ice shoulder, ice blushed and stared at the window flustered a little

"Welcome back i-" Gempa then saw ice carrying blaze up
"Shut up ok, he fell asleep" Ice whispered and blushed
"Uh hu.... sureee" Gempa teased

"Well we shouldn't wake him up" Gempa then looked at ice and whispered something that made ice turned red as a tomato

"Ice look's like a tomato!" Taufan and Thorn then started laughed "shut up!" Ice whispered walking up the stairs

Ice then puts blaze on the bed "there" Ice sighed while staring at blaze sleeping and then kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom

"Did he kissed my forehead!?" Blaze thought turning to red, he was awake since he heard taufan and Thorn laughing, blaze then turned more red thinking about it again and again and covered his face with a pillow

So I totally have an explanation about why I haven't publish anything........... I was busy......... Alright I have a very important question! And that isssss

Do you guys want to see blaze and ice kiss?

Alright baii

"My Perverted Boyfriend~" | Blice story | On Going | Icelaze Solthorn | ☑Where stories live. Discover now