My Tsundere

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Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine

"Huahhhhh" Blaze rubbed his eyes "huh that idiot really slept on the floor" Blaze thought seeing ice sleeping on the floor next to blaze "hmph!" Blaze then puts more pillow and blanket so ice wouldn't catch a cold and walked out of the room

"Morning blaze!" Gempa greeted "morning gempa" Blaze greeted back "Big brother!" Frostfire ran up to blaze "hey frost!" Blaze smiled "big brother didn't answer me about what big brother did last night with brother ice!" Frostfire pulled Blaze's clothes "u-uhhhhh hey how about that beach!" Blaze said trying to change the subject

"Hm? Beach?" Gempa turned "Yeah! Big brother Blaze and big brother ice said they'll take me and glacier to the beach today!" Frostfire said excited and forgot about the question he ask before "and ice probably said he'll take you two to hm one of his private beach" Gempa guessed "yup!" Frostfire answered back

"Why didn't you tell me blaze?, or maybe you want alone time wit-"
"Eheh I'm teasing"
"But do you wanna come tho?"
"Hmm sure"
"Can you also ask the other's if they want to come too?"
"Sure I'll ask them"

After eating breakfast blaze went back to the room seeing ice still sleeping

"Baka" Blaze whispered "you are such a tsundere" Ice suddenly said "H-huh!!?" Blaze surprised "if I did slept next to you in bed I'll get a slap when u wake up but thank you for the pillows and blanket tho blazey" Ice said smiling at blaze "E-eh!! You we're awake the whole time!?" Blaze asked

"I didn't sleep actually I spent the night staring at you sleeping and when u were awake I pretended to be asleep" Ice answered and sit down "you baka!!" Blaze throws a pillow at ice "ow!" Ice said getting hit by the pillow blaze threw "just hurry up and get ready!" Blaze said blushing in embarrassment and quickly went to the changing room

"Such a tsundere...... but your my tsundere"

"Guys! Are ya doneee" Taufan yelled "yeah sorry I had to help frostfire and glacier get ready" Blaze then replied back as he walked down the stairs

"Cmon! Let's go, the others are already in the car" Taufan opened the door and went to the car "alright" Blaze followed

"took ya long enough" Hali looked at blaze "oh shut up tsundere" Blaze replied back "tsk! Fire head" "Cold emo boy" "Trouble maker" "Idiot"

"Shut it" Gempa pinch their ear "ow! He started it!" Both of them pointed at each other

"Ah just like in high school" Solar said rolling his eyes, Thorn chuckled "you two are just the same as before" Taufan laughed "the same two tsundere's" Ice added "shut your mouth" Both of them glared at ice "Why is it only me getting glared at!?" Ice replied back

"Big brother's are noisy" Frostfire said "yeah if you don't shut up we will throw you to the ocean" Glacier added "this is your influence" Blaze whispered at gempa

"We're finally here!" Taufan said as he got out of the car "Thorn, taufan, blaze can you guys help me with the stuff" Gempa turned the the three "sure" The three replied back and help gempa

"Blaze" Ice got closer to blaze
"Huh?" Blaze turned around
"You forgive me righttt" Ice asked
"Hmph whatever I forgive you baka" Blaze looked away
"Your so nice blazey!" Ice hugged blaze
"E-eh! Put me down!" Blaze said blushing
Ice put blaze down and whispered
"Eheh! My tsundere is so cute!"

"Why you little!" Blaze then saw ice running away "oi you done being all lovey dovey?" Taufan said "tsk!" Blaze replied back looking away

After done helping gempa with the stuff they all change and went swimming

"Oi I'm trying to take a photo here!" Solar said "you ain't a model idiot!" Hali yelled "shut up!" Taufan splash water at hali "yeah I'm tired hearing more arguments" Thorn then splash the water at solar

Meanwhile frostfire and glacier were building a sand castle and gempa was taking a relaxing nap under the umbrella, blaze and ice tho

"I'll buy you an ice cream if you do" Ice said
"No" Blaze looked away
"A phone?" Ice asked again
"Nope" Blaze said still not looking at him
"A car then?" Ice said
"Do you really think I'm a gold digger or something!" Blaze hits ice
"Ow! Ofc nottttt" Ice replied
"Hmph!" Blaze then crossed his arm
"I'll get you a dog if you doooo" Ice then got closer
"Fine! But your still sleeping of the floor for a week!" Blaze said still not wanting to look at ice
"Fair enough" He sighed

Blaze then turned to ice and kissed him "thanks blazey~" Ice then said smiling at the red tomato face blaze "whatever I'm going to swim" Blaze stood up and went to swim


Alright here ya go tsundere blaze

(Jeez this story should've been called My tsundere Boyfriend)

Anyway I made another part since I  didn't have ideas for the other story yet alright, baii

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