eas dropping

491 18 10

Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine


"No go away!"

"Aww cmonn it wasn't my fault"

"Yes it was"

"Tsk, if you won't forgive me then I will make you forgive me"

"Hmph try it then-"

Ice got on top of blaze and smirked "I'll make you forgive me~" Blaze blushed red and was flustered "now don't make to much noise blazey" "You're such a pervert" Blaze mumbled looking away "oh yes I am" Ice answered hearing him

"Now let's have some fun~"

"W-wait what! Ur serious mhmm-"

"Hahh I s-swear i-im gon-na"

"Your gonna what?"


"Exactly...besides you'll love it anyway" He whispered to blaze ear Blaze kept silent and blushed more

"Uh I think that's enough eas droping now gempa" Taufan dragged gempa by the arm "what!" Gempa whispered "I'm gonna check on thorn" Solar walked towards his room "alright don't wake him up tho" Gempa whispered "I won't"

"Gempa your phones ringing" Hali turned to gempa and taufan with gempa's phone in his other hand "ah okay" Gempa stood up and walked outside to take the call "who was calling him?" Taufan asked curious Hali shrugged his shoulder before looking at his phone again

A few hours later gempa, taufan, Hali, and solar went out to eat while thorn rest at the house gempa didn't wanna 'bother' blaze and ice so they left both of them and thorn in the house

"Mhmm" Blaze rubbed his eyes before sitting he looked to his left seeing ice sleeping before standing up and down the stairs "thorn?" Blaze surprise seeing thorn "hm? Oh hi blaze" Thorn turned to him "aren't you sick?" Blaze asked "yeah but I feel a little bit more better and was thirsty" Thorn put the glass down "why are you only wearing a robe?" Thorn asked blaze immediately blushed "it was hot" Blaze answered blushing more

"Alright well I'm going back to my room now" Thorn went upstairs blaze then opened the fridge and drank some milk before heading back to the room


"Hm, sorry did I woke you up?"

"Why are you up?"

"I was kinda thirsty and went to kitchen to drink something"

"Hm alright cmere"

Ice cuddled blaze "sleep now blazey~" Ice whispered to his ear before both of them fall asleep

"Morning blaze" Gempa smiled "morning gempa" Blaze sat down "why are you wearing a robe?" Gempa asked "it's........not important" Blaze blushed but covered his face though gempa knew the actual reason and just continue cooking breakfast

"Big brotherrrrr" Frost fire hugged blaze from behind "what's wrong frost fire?" Blaze turned to him "I had a dream where you and me and glacier and big brother gempa and big brother ice go to a candy land and then there's a hugeeee chocolate fountain!" Frostfire excitedly continues "well it looks like you had a good dream" Blaze patted his head

"Big brother" Glacier pulled gempa's clothes "hm? Do you need something glacier?" Gempa looked at glacier "is big brother thorn better?" Glacier asked "ah oh yeah! Is big brother thorn feeling better?" Frostfire added "we went to check on big brother thorn yesterday and he looked very sick" Glacier continued before turning to gempa "don't worry thorn is feeling a little bit better he just need's rest" Gempa smiled softly at him

"Okay big brother!" Glacier smiled back
"Glacier let's play in our room!" Frostfire then said to glacier
"Okay!" They both then ran to this their room

"Soooo was it fun?"


"With icee~"


"Oh c'mon you know what I'm talking about"

"I thought you forgot about it"

"Of course I wouldn't- wait how you know I was eas dropping?"

"Hali recorded it"

"Mhm finish ur breakfast tho anyways me and taufan are going to the restaurant you and ice will take care if thorn and frostfire and glacier since solar has work and Hali is going out"


"Blaze!" Ice jumped to blaze left
"Pfffttttttt-" Blaze surprised and scared ice then got sprayed with the drink he was drinking
"Oh c'mon" Ice gave a straight face
"Why did you do that!?" Blaze yelled at him
"Aw was I not hard enough~" He whispered
"You pervert!!" Blaze hit him while blushing
"I'm jokinggggg" Ice hugged him

"You guys really love to be so cringe when I'm around" Gempa sips his coffee

Alright soooooooooo

This story gonna end soon👉👈 since I don't have anymore idea for this but I'll make 3 more story that is longer but after that I'll end this story but I'll make a new story soon
Alright, baiiii

"My Perverted Boyfriend~" | Blice story | On Going | Icelaze Solthorn | ☑Where stories live. Discover now