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Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine

"Why don't we just go hang out now" Blaze then suggested "huh?" Thorn looked at blaze "yeah me, you, and Hali!" Blaze pointed, Thorn looked at Hali "fine" Hali said "let's go now!" Blaze then said excited

"What about ice?" Thorn asked "hm uh he'll be fine besides he needs rest" Blaze answered "what! Nooo" Ice suddenly said "I knew u were faking" Blaze crossed his arms "c'mon let's go" Blaze then grabbed Thorn and hali's arm

On their way out they saw solar talking on the phone and didn't seem to see them "hey forgot about him we're hanging out now!" Blaze tried to cheer him out Thorn smiled and nodded They then spend the day hanging out


"and that's why you two shouldn't run to a thorn bush" Thorn then said getting the thorns "it's all your fault fire head!" Hali glared at him "me!? This is your fault!" Blaze glared back "if you don't stop I'm going to throw you two back in the thorn bush" They then stopped as Thorn gave a dead stare

After a few more hours they went back "thanks for making me feel better guys" Thorn smiled "your welcome!" Blaze said happy "it's no problem but if I see u sad again cuz of that light bulb I'll bury him alive" Hali pulled out a shovel "I think that's enough from you today" Blaze took the shovel from Hali "tsk" Hali rolled his eyes Thorn laughed as they then went inside

"Thorn! Thank goodness your alright! Where were u! I called u 20 times!" Solar ran to Thorn worried "e-eh! 20!?" Thorn surprised "cmon blaze let's leave them alone" Hali dragged blaze "w-what! But i wanna see dramaaaa" Blaze whined as he got dragged

"Where have you been!" Solar said worried "ehh I was hanging out with blaze and Hali" Thorn answered

"Without telling me!?" Solar then said again
Thorn then looked guilty "Well I didn't wanna bother you since-"
"Thorn I told you it wasn't your fault" Solar sighed hugging him tightly
Thorn then started crying
"W-wait don't cry!" Solar panicked
"Solar is so nice!" Thorn hugged back
"I'm not so nice actually but I don't wanna see you cry your my cute little flower" Solar wiped his tears

Sniff sniff

"It's so beautiful"
"You need to mind your own business and this is weird"
"Is it weird seeing your two best friends in love and watching them"
"No not that the weird thing is you recording them and acting like a mom"
"Shut up emo!"
"You little devil!"

"Are you guys done recording now" Solar glared at them "see this is all your fault!" Hali shouted "you emo!" Blaze shouted back solar sighed "let's just go inside now Thorn" Solar turned to Thorn "alright!" Thorn smiled

"And what are you guys doing" Gempa suddenly turned up "e-eh gempa!!" Blaze surprised "what are you guys doing in the bushes?" Taufan asked "nothing! It's nothing!" Hali then went inside embarrassed "Ice will be jealous you know blaze" Gempa teased "eh! Gempaa!" Blaze felt embarrassed

"And then I asked them what are you guys doing in the bushes? Hali felt embarrassed I think and went inside" Taufan then said to ice "Hali your not allowed to talk to blaze anymore ever again" Ice hugged blaze Hali then rolled his eyes

"You two okay now?" Ice asked "hm yeah" Solar answered "what happened before?" Taufan asked curious "yes what did happened" Gempa then added giving a angry aura "we'll tell later let's eat now" Thorn then said


Alright soooo I have test for the next 2 week TwT

I'll see if I can publish another part tomorrow -w-what alright, baiiii

"My Perverted Boyfriend~" | Blice story | On Going | Icelaze Solthorn | ☑Where stories live. Discover now