it'll be alright

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Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine

"Here you go guys can play with these" Taufan then gave some toys to frostfire and glacier "is big brother blaze alright?" Frostfire then asked "uh yes, he's just tired" Taufan said "oh okay!" Frostfire then played with the toys

"Do you think he's alright tho" Thorn whispered "I honestly have no idea" Taufan whispered back


"Blaze c'mon open the door" Ice knocked on the door but there was no answer "please" Then the door opened, blaze was standing in front of the door not wanting to look at ice after he opened the door he then sat on the bed covering himself

"What you want"
"What if he-"
"I won't let him touch you nor do anything else to you!"

Blaze then looked at ice in front of his face with a serious look he felt tears running down his face

"E-eh!? Why are you crying!? Is it because I shouted at you!? I'm sorry i-"

"I love you"


"I'm not saying it again.....idiot"

"Well.... I love you too"

Ice then hugged him tightly as blaze   cried on his chest "alright your gonna get my clothes were now" Ice chuckled "well I don't care" Blaze then hugged ice back "eheh my tsundere is so cute" Ice smiled "say that again and you'll end up in the floor again for another week"

"I'll stop now"
"Alright we good now"
"Can I go now"

"I'll take you with me then" Ice then grabbed blaze "e-eh!? Fine you can go! Just put me down!" Blaze said with a low voice blushing red "aww is my tsundere blushing" Ice chuckled blaze then blushed more and said "Put me down you idiot!"

"Ehehehh alright alright no need to hit me" Ice then puts blaze down "now just go already I'm going to play with frostfire and glacier" Blaze then walked to the door "I'll promise it'll be alright" Ice hugged blaze from behind "hmph you better" Blaze mumbled before blushing more and quickly ran to frostfire and glacier room

"Blaze?" Taufan then saw blaze closing the door "hah! Big brother!" Frostfire then smiled and ran to hug his brother "hey frostfire" Blaze hugged back "you alright?" Taufan then ask "yeah I'm good" Blaze answered "you here to play with them?" Thorn then said "uh yeah" Blaze scratch his head "alright then" Taufan answered

"Ice your back" Solar said seeing ice walking down "Is blaze alright?" Gempa then turned to ice "he's fine" Ice answers "why did you untie him" Ice said angrily "relax, he won't try to do anything" Solar said "tsk" Ice looked away

"Now let's think of a plan" Hali then said after few minutes passed frostfire and glacier eventually fell asleep and blaze, taufan, thorn ended up falling asleep as well on the floor

The others was still planning and Hali was force to look after them all upstairs "why do I have to watch them" Hali mumbled as he sat behind the door crossing his arm

"Alright that sounds good" Gempa said
"We will do that then" The man then added
"What's your name anyway?" Solar turned to him
"Just call me Zander"

Ice just stay quiet not wanting to look at him,"ice" "I heard the plan alright I know since we're done I'm going to sleep he can sleep with one of you guys to keep an eye on him" Ice then stood up and walked up stairs

"Did you guys meet before" Gempa asked


"He's angry at you it seems you've done something to him"

"I don't know anything"

"You're lying"

"Arg- well we we're just friends but I don't know anything else"

"You're still lying, we will continue about this lying of yours tomorrow, solar keep an eye on him"


Zander slept on a spare bed in solar and Thorn room (btw solar carried Thorn back to the room, same with the others)

I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to publish thisTwT soooooo at least it's done now ÙwÚ alright, baiii

"My Perverted Boyfriend~" | Blice story | On Going | Icelaze Solthorn | ☑Where stories live. Discover now