A Call

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Disclaimer : all the characters belong to Monsta they are not mine

He opened his eyes looking at the window seeing it was morning already he then got up slowly not wanting to wake him

He looked at him sleeping peacefully as he smiled before shaking his right arm "ice, ice wake up" He opened his eyes seeing his beloved boyfriend smiling at him "you look happy" He then yawned "eheh yeah i-"

A phone rang the blazing eye looked at the table beside the bed it was his phone he then looked at the name his eyes widened as he then took the phone and turned to the blue eye looking at him curiously "uh hold on ice" He closed the door He was curious of what happened thoughts then came running to his head

"Who was that?"
"Why was it so important?"
"Is he a friend of his?"
"What if there-"

The door opened "Alright ice I'm back, sorry I gotta pick up that call" Blaze scratch his head closing the door behind him "Who was that" The blue eye pierced through the blazing eye. "Uh what?" He then started to sweat "who was the person that called you?" He asked again with a cold tone "oh it's no one important ehehhe"

A few minutes ago

"What is it?"

"Hey so the doctor said ice can go home in 2 days"

"Oh so we got 2 days"

"Mhm we can do the other things you just keep him distracted in the next two days"

"Yeah I know..... Wait what about frostfire and glacier though?"

"Oh don't worry I got a babysitter for them"

"Oh okay then"

"Alright bye"


The blue eyes didn't looked away from the blazing eyes trying to look away "are you lying to me?" He then got up "h-huh wait ice you need to rest-" Ice closed his mouth "tell me the truth what are you hiding exactly?" He asked with one of his eyebrows raised Blaze tried to think of an excuse then he said "it was just frostfire and glacier babysitters"

"Oh well you should've just said that blazey"

"Well it's not my fault you looked scary"

"And it's not my fault you looked like your hiding something"

"Hmph!" The blaze eye looked away crossing his arms "oh cmon" He gave a straight face before sighing and then


"There now don't be mad at mee" Ice hugged him with his right arm "y-your such a pervert whale!" Blaze mumbled but the blue eye heard it "I can't help my little boyfriend is a tsundere" He teased with smirk on his face. The blaze eye face then started to reden more his heart beat faster as he then said something under his breath "what was that?" Ice asked didn't heard what he said

"I love you pervert whale"

He smiled staring at his now red boyfriend "Aw I love you too" He kissed his forehead "but please no nicknames" He gave a rather annoyed look "eheh so you don't want me to call you sweetie?" Blaze teased "Hahh of course I doo!" Ice said shaking his boyfriend back and forth "i-ice stop I'm getting dizzy!" Blaze said getting more dizzy

"You now have the rights to call me sweetie" Ice said hugging him blaze sighed blushing red



"Sweetie... "

"Your so sweet"


"I'll get ya some marshmallows when I can go out of the hospital"

"You really are sweet, sweetie" Blaze mumbled

"Heh you little tsundere.. But your my little tsundere" He kissed His cheek



"you forgot to hang the phone up blaze"

"W-what!! Ahhh I'm sorryyyyyyyy"

"It's fine I enjoy the drama"


"Ehhe alright alright I'll hang up"

Blaze quickly turned red embarrassed covering his face with a pillow as ice hugged him "your so cute" He whispered "I'm so embarrassedddd" Blaze hugged him "was it that embarrassing?" He looked at him "of course it wasss" Blaze shake him back and forth "okay okay stop I'm getting dizzy!"

ÚwÙ I give you perfection I give you a cringe moment

😂😂 alright since he and solar gonna propose soon you people that want to be in the story comment what they call you and which one from them are you friends with okay? Okay! Baiiii

"My Perverted Boyfriend~" | Blice story | On Going | Icelaze Solthorn | ☑Where stories live. Discover now