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This entire story will have mentions of rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and a literal insane person.


BANG BANG BANG BANG! The multiple 'knocks' coming from the front door was your wake up call. Thinking that it would go away if you ignored it, you turned over in your bed and moved the pillow over to cover your head. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the 'knocking' at all.

"Jesus Christ," You threw the covers off your body and tiredly moved through your house to the door. The banging only continued, though you were moving closer. "I'm coming! Stop banging!" It stopped. "Oh, thank god."

You swung the door open with a yawn and immediately frowned at what- or rather who stood at your doorstep. He wasn't supposed to be near you, especially not since you had last seen him.

"What the hell are you doing here, Nate?" You rubbed your right eye then moved your hands to your hips. "And you better give me a damn good reason not to call D.I. Hardy."

Nate Smith was your ex-boyfriend. You had caught him with other women, who had claimed that they didn't know how they had gotten to your shared house. But the last straw was when he drugged you on the night that you were going to leave to have sex with him. So rape and drugs.

Before that time, you had become great friends with Ellie Miller and occasionally have chips with Alec Hardy during his breaks. When you discovered what had happened on the night that you were going to leave, you went straight to Alec, trusting him with every bit of information.

Nate had not gone to prison but charged with £7645.50 for rape. After that, Alec warned Nate not to even look at you if you were near him (which wasn't supposed to happen anyway). It had been two years since then. Why would he decide to show up now? Did he want to be arrested again?

Nate gave you an uneasy smile and shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. "I uh... came here to apologize..." His sea-green eyes met yours. "And... I understand if you don't forgive me, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry."

You raised an eyebrow. No way in Hell was that why he came to see you. If he had wanted to apologize, he should've done so in the courtroom.

"I don't know how you expect me to believe you, Nate. Leave my property before I call D.I. Hardy, I'm serious." You began to close the door, but Nate caught your arm and pulled you towards him. Something sharp entered your neck, making you let out a small cry.

Nate covered your mouth with his hand and watched your eyes flutter shut. "Shouldn't have threatened me," he mumbled while carrying you to his car. "Shouldn't have reported me. Cost me too much..."

Little did Nate know, Chloe Latimer had seen the whole thing.

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