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"Miller, I need you to take a right up here and stop when you see... some building," Alec commanded. He was preparing to jump right out of the car and run straight into the building. "And when we get in there," he took in a deep breath. "I need you to restrain me from killing him, alright?" Ellie looked at him worriedly but nodded anyway. "Good."

Approaching the building, which was deep in the woods, Alec looked at the car parked in the front. It matched the license plate that Chloe had informed him of.

The D.I. quickly got out of Ellie's car and raced to the door. He was ready to put an end to this, but the door was locked.

'Goddammit, this is going to hurt.' Alec raised his foot and kicked the door open with a cry. Ellie followed him in and stopped next to him, holding one of her hands to her mouth.

Your nightshirt had been ripped open. Most of the fabric had fallen to the floor, revealing cuts that covered your collar bone and abdomen. The white sports bra you had worn to bed was no longer white but crimson. Nate was sitting in front of your limp body, the hunting knife he was holding it an inch away from your throat.

If your mouth wasn't covered in duck tape, you would've said something, but it was covered in duck tape. But your clouded (e/c) spoke for you. Nate looked up at you, followed your gaze, and turned to the two officers.

"Nate, get your sick piece of shit self away from (Y/n)," Alec growled lowly in a throaty voice. When Nate didn't respond, he took a step forward, to which Nate did respond.

Nate held up his other hand and moved that finger side to side. Alec stopped. "I wouldn't take another step if I were you. You see, it would be horrible if (Y/n) were to end up with a nice cut across her throat."

The D.I. breathed in and glanced in your direction. His eyes moved back and forth between the floor to the left of you, then you. He was trying to tell you to move to the left at the right time so he could grab Nate. You nodded slowly, wincing at the amount of pain that followed.

"Alright, you win." Alec sighed, moving a bit towards Nate, who was too busy being confused to care.


Alec nodded and rubbed his beard. "You heard me, Nate. You win."

Nate straightened and lowered the knife from your throat. He looked between Alec and Ellie with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out what they might be playing. Though Ellie was equally confused. "Though winning means that I can't go to the store and get that cinnamon roll," Alec mused. That was your cue.

You moved to the left while Alec jumped on top of Nate, knocking the knife out of his hand and kneeing him in the chest, causing Nate to stop moving at the sudden pressure.

Ellie rushed towards you and picked up the knife from the floor to cut the ropes around your wrists. A small cry left your lips as your body fell into Ellie's hands. She helped you lay onto the floor as she stood up to dial the ambulance and a few of the other officers.

While she was taking you down, Alec had taken rope that was leftover to tie Nate and make sure that if he woke up that he couldn't move. Then he moved over to you and looked over all the wounds that Nate had inflicted upon you.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice thick and tremulous. You nodded slowly and looked into his caramel eyes. "Y-You know I came as e-early as I could, a-and I'm sorry if i-it was later than you thought..." You had never heard him stutter so much.

You gave a small smile. "Alec, i-it's n-not your fault, y-you know that." You said hoarsely.

The paramedic's team quickly came in with a stretcher and carefully lifted you onto it. You winced as they strapped your body down so you could stay still.

"Would you mind if I ride with her?" Alec asked one of the paramedics. She nodded at him and made a little more room for him. He took your hand in his after he had sat down.

The entire ride to the hospital was silent. It was just the two of you holding each other's hand. You both understood that you would be able to talk with a little more privacy when you had arrived at the hospital.

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