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You groaned quietly as your eyes fluttered open. Your head was pounding, and you didn't know where you were. Sudden aching pain in your neck made you jerk away. You tried to touch it, but your hands were tied by a rope, reaching the ceiling.

"Oh, good, you're awake!" Nate's voice echoed through the room(?) He approached you slowly, holding a hunting knife in one hand and a large roll of duck tape in the other. "I was beginning to think that you weren't going to wake up..." He grinned.

"What'd you do to me?" You asked weakly, trying to move away from him. He had stopped in front of you, kneeling with his face a few inches away from your own. "B-Back off, Nate."

He chuckled darkly and shook his head. "Do you honestly believe that I'm going to do that? Mmmm. No." Your eyes widened. The knife pointed an inch away from your throat. "Oh, you don't know how much I've waited for this moment." You gave him a strange look. What was this about? "You ruined my life. That damned D.I. ruined everything I had. I had nothing."

You flinched when the knife lightly touched your jaw then moved down to your chest. "Right now, though, I have you. And after we're done, no one else will." You flinched away for a moment but stopped when the knife cut into your skin.

Nate let out a low growl and grabbed your cheeks, stopping you from moving again. "Stop. Moving. Or I'm going to hurt you more than that small cut you caused, got it?" You whimpered and nodded, the last time you would move on your own.

'Please... someone...' You closed your eyes slowly. The last thing your eyes caught was a sadistic grin stretching across Nate's lips.

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