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Alec Hardy had his head in his hands as he read a report on some teens that had been selling drugs. Nothing had been too interesting to him. Nothing had caught his eye since the Latimer case.

"Excuse me, sir," one of the officers calls from her desk. Alec looked up from the file and gestured for her to continue. "Chloe Latimer on the line for you. She says that she needs to talk to you directly, no one else."

The D.I. raised an eyebrow and sat up in his chair. "Transfer the call to my phone." The officer nodded and did as she was told. She got up from her chair to shut the door afterward. A few seconds passed and then the phone rang. "Miss Latimer, this better be important. I'm in the middle of something."

Sniffing came from the other line, as Chloe had been crying. "He took her! A man took (Y/n)!"

Alec nearly dropped the phone from his hand. "Easy, Miss Latimer, who took (Y/n)?" His voice attempted to stay calm, but it hinted mild anger.

"There was a man that came up to her front door, (Y/n) was upset by the looks of it. I couldn't hear any of their conversation of course, but (Y/n) pointed to the street, probably asking him to leave, but before she could shut her door, the man yanked her towards him and put a syringe into her neck! He drove away with her in his car!"

Alec's grip on the phone tightened as did his jaw. "Did you manage to get a good look at the man? Or the license plate on his car?" His voice was no longer raucous as it usually was, but had become taut. He was beyond angry because if this was the man he thought it might be.

Chloe sniffed again. "Well... from what I could see, he had long curly hair... I don't know the color, and I couldn't see his face..." There was rustling on the other line. "I did write down the license plate number. P64 SVH."

Alec rested the phone on his shoulder and wrote the plate number down on top of a file. It was exactly who he thought it was. "Thank you, Chloe. I appreciate you calling me about this. Have a good rest of your night." He placed the phone back in its original place before she could replay. "Damn it, (Y/n)." He ran his fingers angrily through his hair before getting up from his chair.

"Miller! I need you to come with me!" Alec called as soon as he stepped out of his office while fixing his coat. "And the rest of ya, I need you to find this car for me." He threw the file on an empty table. "The license plate number is written on the file, and as soon as you find it, send me its location. Got it?"

Ellie Miller shrugged on her coat and hurried over to Alec. "Everything alright, sir?" she asked as they walked outside of the police station.

Alec shook his head. "I just need you to drive me around until we get that location of that damn car." He took a seat in the passenger as Ellie took the wheel.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on, sir?" She asked worriedly.

Alec glared at the road in front of him, trying not to break the wall that was keeping him from becoming emotional. "Nathaniel Smith has (Y/n) somewhere. And I need you to keep me from killing him once we figure out where he's hiding."

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