Chapter Ten: I Won't Break

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POV: Zero

After saying what I needed to say to my squad, I stood up and turned to Gadget.

"Let's go."


"We've made our decision" Knuckles was the first to speak as we entered the base; everyone was there except Shadow.

"We're listening." I grunted, crossing my arms and waiting on their decision. Gadget stood beside me and narrowed his eyes.

"We've suspended Shadow from the Resistance for four years; each year representing a victim in your squad, Vector, Silver and I will watch over him while he serves his time on Angel Island" Knuckles sighed. "Shadow has been temporarily suspended from G.U.N too and Rouge and Omega will continue their jobs; Sonic volunteered to help when he can to replace Shadow for the meantime"

My ears perked when he explained everything, this was perfect; too perfect. Gadget also perked up and dropped a suspicious stance that he held beforehand.

"Th-thank much" I choked out, holding back joyful tears. "This means so much"

Knuckles expression softened, "And we'd also like to give you the opportunity to join the Resistance, Gadget's trust in you has shown us that we can also trust you"

I smiled; a true smile. "I'd love that, I want to set things right"

"Good, welcome to the team, Zero" Knuckles patted my back before dismissing the meeting and everyone left.

I fell to the ground as Gadget tackled me into a big bear hug, laughing warmly. "We did it!" he exclaimed gleefully.

"We sure did" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him lovingly. "Thank you, for all that you done for me" I pulled away and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you too for staying strong" Gadget stroked my furry cheek. "And now, we can rest" he smiled and placed his soft lips on mine.

I hummed and returned the kiss, "I love you, Gadget"

"I love you too, Zero" Gadget pulled away and stood up, helping me to get up before heading to the hallway to our room; I followed beside him and as we entered I layed him down gently on the small single bed and lathered his face with playful kisses.

Gadget giggled gently, "Zero, haha! Stop!" he squirmed.

I eventually stopped and layed on top of him, admiring his beauty quietly while scratching his small ears; earning delighted purrs in response. Gadget nuzzled into my arm while purring, "You really know all my sensitive spots~"

"I would do anything to hear those sweet purrs~" I emitted a deeper purr compared to Gadget's softer ones, making him blush severely. I gently grabbed his wrists and held them above his head before placing my lips on his. He eagerly returned the passionate yet gentle kiss, using his legs to wrap himself around my waist.

"Oh how I missed this~" I purred between the ever growing, heated kisses.

Gadget purred more, he relaxed his body and let me take full control. Admittedly, he looked very hot and defenceless pinned beneath me. I brushed my lips against his neck, tasting his sensitive skin teasingly slow making Gadget whine softly.

"Zero..." Gadget groaned playfully, "Please..." he begged.

"You really want it?" I looked into his eyes deeply, full of love and desire. Gadget nodded and whined again, "Badly~"

I hummed deeply and returned to his neck, pressing soft kisses over the delicate skin; earning a relatively silent moan from Gadget.

However me and Gadget jumped when the door was suddenly slammed open and Sonic entered; unknowing of our current intimacy. "We got a quest for yo- uhhhh..." he stared at the scene in front of him.

Me and Gadget blushed profusely, I got off the embarrassed wolf and rubbed the back of my head sheepishly, "Uhm...we'll be in the meeting room in a second..."

Sonic gulped but nodded and quickly left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"That was...unexpected" Gadget chuckled, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Yeah, and embarrassing..." I rubbed my flushed cheeks. "But it seems we have a mission" I sighed.

"We were just getting started..." Gadget pouted sadly. I pulled him close to me and tilted my head, "Maybe if we have some spare time in the mission I can claim you properly~" I purred and kissed him deeply.

"I'd like that~" Gadget murmured between kisses. "No words can describe how much I need you~" he whispered.

I stroked his tail gently, hearing a gentle moan from him. "I don't think I could wait the whole mission to hear those intoxicating moans that come from your sweet little mouth~" I whispered back.

Gadget chuckled, "You'll have me soon~" he broke the kisses to get up. "The sooner we do this mission the more time we have together" he winked.

I stood up and nodded, "Right, let's get going"


A/N : Hah! Got'cha! No super intimate activities yet! Just some sweet lovin' these boi's missed.

Holy balls it took so long to get this chapter out, I apologize on my behalf! College has me super duper busy recently so writing chapters is hard, but it's here! And the next one will be released at the end of next week (hopefully!)

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