Chapter Nine: Fragility

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POV: Zero

I was a little worried about doing this; facing Shadow with such accusations, it made my stomach turn uncomfortably but Gadget seems so confident that we could get those accusations out there and get justice that I really forgot that this is Shadow we're talking about.

Entering the meeting room, I was presented with a few suspicious looks; it's going to be a long time before they fully trust me again...

Gadget was the first to speak up, as everyone was already in the meeting room. "We want to set things straight" he stated.

"What do you mean?" Sonic raised a brow.

"I mean getting clearance for Zero" Gadget sighed, folding his arms. "Shadow has gotten away with so much since Zero came here and even before that, Zero deserves this justice after what he's been through"

"So, what are you stating?" Knuckles questioned, tilting his head curiously.

"Justice for Zero's deceased squad" Gadget bared his teeth angrily. "Shadow, you murdered them when all they did was defend a base, you're the one at fault here" he accused the dark being watching him.

I felt Shadow's cold glare at me when he wasn't looking at Gadget, I clenched my teeth anxiously; waiting on what the Resistance might say to my case.

"I was simply doing my mission." Shadow shrugged, showing no remorse for my deceased squad. "They got in the way so I destroyed them, nothing interferes my missions."

"But you killed off an entire squad" Gadget dropped his tough stance to a more sympathetic one, "They had lives of their own; futures!"

I could see how tense the other Resistance members were, I don't really blame them; this is a heavy topic for both me and the group. Sonic was the one to finally speak up, "Alright, let's take a breather and relax before this gets more heated" he sighed.

I crossed my arms impatiently, my squad have been waiting for justice for too long now. It needs to be served now.

I can still hear their pained screams...they don't leave me alone, and never will.

"No, I will not wait any longer!" I rose my voice. "My squad needs peace, and delaying this will only make them more restless, the least they deserve is justice so they can be put to rest"

Shadow glared at me, "Watch yourself, jackal."

"Zero's right" Gadget agreed. "We need to sort this out now and then we can go back to finding Eggman"

"We will discuss it between ourselves, but for now go and rest up" Knuckles dismissed the group. Everyone walked out of the meeting room to their own rooms, Gadget and I walked to our own room and I sat down on our bed running my clawed hand through my hair.

I felt Gadget sit beside me and rub my shoulder, "We will get through this, don't worry"

"I find it hard to not worry right now..." I grumbled, hiding my face in my hands.

It fell silent for a few minutes before Gadget spoke up again, "Would it make you feel more at peace if we visited your squad?" he suggested.

I took a deep breath, "Yeah..."

"Come on, then" Gadget smiled warmly, linking our hands together as we travelled to the gravesite.


As we approached the site, it was very tranquil and quiet; just the way I liked it. The sun was just setting over the horizon, dipping low in the orange coloured sky, a brisk wind blew around us as we walked too.

I sat down facing the graves, looking over each one. Gadget decided to give me space and sat under the large tree that was present.

"I'm trying, guys..." I mumbled. "I'm trying to get you the rest you deserve"

I continued, "But he's so powerful and determined to make me fall, I'm scared that I'll fail you..."

"I'm not going to let him win, even if I have to give my life once more"


A/N : It's short I know, I ran into a heavy writers block writing this chapter which is why it took a long time to release. But it's here now! And Zero is slowly gaining the courage to stand up to Shadow!

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