Chapter One: Shattered

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A/N : Gadget's POV is dominant throughout the story so there will be less switching POV's. Also, welcome to the sequel! Hope you enjoy!


POV: Gadget

He's gone...

I nodded at the doctor, my ears folded low. "Can I see him?..." I asked.

"Of course, follow me" The doctor agreed and guided me to a room at the bottom of the corridor, he let me inside before closing the door, leaving me alone.

I walked up to the 'sleepy' figure in front of me and sat down, "I'm so sorry, Zero..." I gripped his cold hand and wiped the falling tears, "I should have been there sooner"

"I know you were only doing it to protect me, but it cost your life in the end" I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. "I swear to make you proud, I will not falter under Shadow's wrath any longer"

"I remember the first time we met on the battlefield, I knew that my life would change forever from then" I chuckled through sobs, "All those silly battles, your speeches, and even after you gave up and I saved you, you always had a smile on your face"

"I love you, and I always will" I rubbed his hand and sighed. "Nothing will ever change that, you mean so much to me and to see you go I just-"

I broke down into heavy sobs, hot tears streamed down my face.

"I miss you..." I sniffled softly.

I stayed with Zero for a while, I simply couldn't return to the Resistance with teary eyes. After an hour of sitting with him, I decided that it was best to talk to the doctor about keeping Zero's body here for a bit so I can privately bury him later, the doctor agreed and I left the hospital. When I returned to the Resistance, I no longer felt cheery, I was immediately bombarded with Resistance members so I excused myself to go to my room.

I sat on the bed, me and Zero's bed.

His scent is still here...

Knock. Knock. Knock. The door opened after the third knock and Sonic slipped inside, "Hey buddy, are you okay?"

I shook my head, whimpering softly.

Sonic sat beside me, rubbing my back, "Is Zero okay?"

My breath hitched, but I frowned and my ears folded low. "He's...gone"

Sonic gasped lightly, "Oh...I'm so sorry"

I shook my head, "It's okay...I just need time alone right now"

"Alright, well" Sonic stood up, "We're all here for you if you need us, okay?"

I glanced up at him, nodding.

Sonic smiled warmly before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. I glanced at the door before taking my gear off and pulling the blanket over me, Zero's scent filled my nose, it brought sadness, but comfort.

Two hours passed before I woke up to the sound of the alarms going off in the base. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes and putting on my gear.

I lumbered out of the room and walked to the meeting area, where all the Resistance members were present.

"What's going on?" I asked, folding my arms and yawning from the sudden awakening.

"Eggman is back! He's attacking the city!" Amy replied, typing frantically on her laptop along with Tails.

My ears perked at the sound of Eggman returning.

"Come on, team! Let's kick Eggman's butt!" Sonic fist bumped the air. "Gadget, do you want to come along?" he asked.

"Sure" I sighed and nodded. "Who's going with us?"

"Shadow, Silver and Rouge" Sonic explained, rubbing the back of her head. "Shadow and Rouge will be taking the low ground, they will be trying to infiltrate Eggman's computer and try to find his newest base, while me, you and Silver will provide a distraction and also destroy the robots"

I nodded, "Alright then, let's go"

Sonic grinned, "That's the spirit! Come on!" he dashed out of the door, with Shadow and Rouge following behind with Silver. I grabbed a fire wispon to help me destroy the robots before following the group out.


"Sonic! How nice of you to join me" Eggman sneered in his egg mobile.

"Okay, what's going on Egghead? Do you really think you can defeat us when we have the upper hand?" Sonic crossed his arms, standing in front of the egg mobile.

I took care of destroying the closest robots while Sonic talked. Silver was helping out the civilians caught in Eggmans attack and directing them to safety.

"I have created a new weapon!" Eggman grinned.

"Oh really? It'll just be another piece of scrap metal to add to the trash" Sonic scoffed and chuckled.

"Oh it's not a robot, hedgehog" Eggman grinned. "I call it the revivinator five thousand!"

I stopped firing my wispon and looked up at Eggman.



"And what do you intend to do with this 'Revivinator'" Sonic tapped his foot.

"You're missing the point, this machine enables me to revive deceased mobians!" Eggman shouted.

"And what are the mobians of use to you?" Sonic raised a brow.

"I can make an army!" Eggman cackled.

"So what, you're going to deceased mobians graves, reviving them, then persuading them to join you?" Silver joined in on the conversation. "That's a bit...odd, not to mention disturbing loved ones graves"

Eggman shrugged. "All I care about is forming my army!"

I raised a brow. This could be interesting...

"Well, we're going to stop that!" Sonic grinned.

"I don't think so! I don't have time for your antics" Eggman flew off in his device, heading north.

I sighed, the robots had all been destroyed now. Sonic also sighed, "This can't be good" he commented to Silver.

"No, there's definitely something fishy about his device" Silver hummed. "At least no one got hurt"

Shadow appeared in a flash of light with Rouge. "We found a base north where the doctor was heading, it's small and concealed in a forest" he explained, dusting off his arms.

I wonder...

I watched as they all left the scene, Sonic looked at me, "You coming?" he asked.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, take my mind of things for now" I lied.

"Alright well, see you later!" Sonic grinned before speeding off in a flash of blue.

I turned towards north, "Maybe I can see you again, Zero..." I started to grapple across the buildings towards the direction Eggman left.

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