Chapter Fourteen: Finale

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POV: Zero

A day has passed and Tails was in the room to check up on how I was doing. He determined that I could go free of the wires connected to me and that I - with the help of Gadget - could finally get a bit of fresh air and stretch my legs.

"Let me know immediately if anything happens, okay?" Tails flashed a warm smile.

"Will do, thank you" I smiled back at the young fox and sat up from the medical bed. Tails left shortly after, leaving me and Gadget.

I sighed, "Finally, I can get some fresh air"

Gadget chuckled, "We can take a walk through the nearby forest" he gently clutched my hand in his, I stood up and walked with him to the forest.


The forest was peaceful, no sounds of bustling traffic nor any mobians' to annoy me. It was just me, Gadget, and the forest. Sun rays peeked through the trees, the warmth was relaxing.

I breathed in the fresh, cool air and sighed contently. I appreciated the comfortable silence between me and Gadget as we walked through the forest.

Gadget stopped at a cliff edge that presented a wonderful view of the regenerating city. "It's beautiful..." he sat down and watched the view. I sat beside him and wrapped an arm around his waist, "Yeah, it's peaceful up here" I commented.

"How are you feeling?" Gadget asked, his amber eyes locking onto mine in concern. "We can turn back if you're not feeling too good"

"I'm feeling fine, the fresh air has definitely helped me" I kissed his forehead. "Relax, I'm okay"

Gadget hummed, "Okay, but tell me if you're not feeling well" he dangled his legs off the cliff contently.

I nodded and smiled.


We let the day pass by slowly, soon enough it was turning sundown and we decided to leave before it started getting cold.

"Hey, do you think we could go back to the apartment?" I asked curiously, as it has been a while since we've been there. "We've been camping in the Resistance HQ for a while"

"Now that I think about it..." Gadget hummed. "We really haven't been there in ages, I guess we can stop by over there for a while" he flashed a warm smile. "We just need to tell Tails first before he starts panicking of our disappearance" he chuckled.

"Yeah, let do that now then" I nodded as we headed to the base to tell Tails of what's going to happen. Once we told him, he was cautious of us straying away far from the Resistance base because I am still recovering but accepted it and let us be.


Once home, we had something to eat before resting in bed together, it has been a long few days and it exhausted us both terribly. Gadget layed curled on my chest, his legs and tail intertwined with mine. I stroked his lower back softly, hearing his gentle purrs.

I had felt pretty alright throughout the day, my ruby seemed to be quieter and less active as I recovered; which I was thankful for.

Gadget shifted slightly so his head was nuzzled into the crook of my neck, I trailed my hands across his small waist and closed my eyes contently. When I suddenly felt Gadget's soft lips graze my neck I shot my eyes open and glanced down at him curiously.

One of Gadget's amber eyes shot up to meet mine before resuming what he was doing; kissing and licking around my neck. I released a deep purr from the pleasure and brought a hand down to massage the base of his tail - making him purr in return.

Removing his head from the crook of my neck, Gadget looked at me suggestively and leaned down to kiss me. It took me a small second to realise what he was doing as we were both tired but I returned the loving kiss and wrapped my arms around him.

The kisses were lazy and sloppy at times because of our tiredness but we didn't really care, all that we cared about was eachother.

Eventually we both slowed down our kissing to soft little pecks, we didn't do anything major because I could see he didn't want to move and nor did I so we resulted to a heated make out.

"I love you" I purred into Gadget's neck, my claws grazing his back gently.

"I love you too, always" Gadget kissed my cheek before resting his head on my lower chest and drifting to sleep.

I followed shortly after, the warm embrace we shared strengthening my sleepiness.


In the days and weeks that flew past, I managed to strengthen my bond with the Resistance and became a valuable general in the team. Gadget also grew higher in the ranks to join me and prized himself in training young rookies like he was months ago.

Eggman had been found and arrested, he was sent to the most fortified prison on the planet and given a life sentence for all his crimes.

His machine was never found.



A/N : Holy shit I am so terribly sorry this took so long to finish!! I had writer's block for a week straight and had to focus on getting some work done outside of WattPad. I also had to find a suitable way to piece the end of this story together so that also took up some days to plan out.

But it's here! It's done! This is the finale, the end of this sequel! Thank you all for joining me on this super long journey!

I have plans for a very unique Infidget story lined up to start in December so I look forward to showing you what it has in store!

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