Chapter Eleven: An Eventful Mission (Part 1)

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A/N : My favourite cover of Infinite's theme! It just fits him so darn well.
Ps: This is not really relevant to this chapter it's just a great tune lol.


POV: Gadget

Me and Zero quickly walked to the meeting room to receive our mission for today. I was still quiet flustered after Sonic came in our room so suddenly.

He didn't even knock...

It was quite hilarious though, and something that'll stick with me for a long time.

As we entered the room, it was just Knuckles, an embarrassed Sonic and Tails; who was questioning why Sonic looked a bit embarrassed, but didn't say anything out loud about it.

"We've spotted Eggman resurrecting a few mobians, I want you two to go and stop him from continuing that" Knuckles took charge of the small gathering.

"By stop him, you mean...kill the revived mobians?" I questioned, my ears folded low at the task.

"It's the only way we can prevent another one of Eggman's army's" Tails piped up. "The earlier we get there; the bigger the chance of finally stopping Eggman and destroying that machine" he explained.

"I see.." I frowned, but I felt Zero's hand on my shoulder and relaxed slightly.

"Look, I know it'll be hard having to kill them, but you're doing the right thing" Sonic finally spoke up and flashed a grin. "We will alert you if anything happens via your earpieces, but for now you should go"

I nodded, grabbing and clipping my wispon to my belt and walking out with Zero; who surprisingly hadn't said anything during that discussion. I wrapped my hand around his and looked at him, "Zero, are you okay? You didn't say anything in that meeting"

Zero looked at me, "I'm fine, just thinking about the machine"

"Why?" I asked curiously, we kept walking as we talked.

"If it's destroyed...would I perish with it?" he stopped walking, fiddling with his gloves.

Oh...I guess I didn't really think of that part...

"Zero...look at me" I sighed, my eyes soon connecting with the worried ones of my lover. "Whatever happens when it's destroyed, I'll be there with you, okay? We'll get through this together"

Zero smiled slightly, "I guess I'm just being paranoid..." he chuckled. "We should go" he turns to resume walking. I followed beside him and unclipped my wispon when we approached the scene.

It was quite a hard scene to watch.

There were almost zombie-like mobians terrorising the citizens, it looked like a real zombie apocalypse. A few small robots were also present, so Eggman was definitely here.

Zero sighed, " we are" he frowned. "Better to get this over with now"

"Yeah, I guess..." I nodded as we trekked down to the street. I aimed my wispon at a male hedgehog and fired; hitting them in the chest, he fell down with a scream before he went silent as blood puddled from his chest.

This feels wrong...

Zero easily took down a female wolf using his ruby, creating a spear that penetrated through her skull. He didn't seem bothered by the kill.

I guess he has been exposed to death more than me, since he is a mercenary...

I yelped as I felt someone punch my side, I fell to the ground but aimed my wispon up at the mobian before firing repeated rounds into them.

I can't get distracted.

Thankfully, it was easy to tell who Eggman revived due to the mobians' sticking around Eggman and his small robot army. They didn't really move from him, only ever moving if another mobian attacked them.

I spotted Zero rushing forward with a red sword in his hand to face the robot army and decided to join for support.

"Infinite! What a pleasure to see you again" Eggman sneered from his egg mobile, "Robots, attack!!"

Zero smirked and began to slash the robots that came to him. I kept the revived mobians' at bay while Zero destroyed the robots.

It was only after I killed a lot of revived mobians' did I realise there were a lot more than expected.

"Uhm...Zerooo?" I gulped as we were surrounded by mobians', all naturally - or rather, unnaturally - baring their teeth and weapons at us.

Zero finished with the last robot before taking a glance around him, he was panting heavily from destroying the robots.

"We're trapped!" I pressed my back against Zero's so we faced all directions the mobians' were coming from.

"Not...entirely" Zero huffed as his ruby brightened up, he then produced what I thought was an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) blast that threw all the mobians' away from us and fried a few of the street's electricity poles; even disabling the eggmobile.

"CURSE THAT JACKAL!!" A faint shout was heard as Eggman's mobile crashed to the ground.


A/N : For those who don't know what an EMP is; it's a blast sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance and is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse's origin may be a natural occurrence or man-made and can occur as a radiated, electric, or magnetic field or a conducted electric current, depending on the source.

EMP interference is generally disruptive or damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy levels a powerful EMP event such as a lightning strike can damage physical objects such as buildings and aircraft structures.

EMP's are one of my favourite types of attacks; mainly because they were in the 2014 'Godzilla' movie and I love Godzilla lmao.

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