Chapter Four: Phase One

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A/N: Uh...surprise? I had a lot more time on my hands than I realised lmao

Me and Sonic ran around the city warning others about an oncoming danger and that to evacuate to the nearest bunkers that the Resistance held in the cities. We travelled around a few cities, spreading the word of danger but ordering others to not panic.

When we came back to Resistance HQ, we were greeted with a lot of stern looks, especially towards me. I rubbed my arm sheepishly, trying to avoid all the glares I got.

Knuckles sighed, "Shadow told us everything"

"Why did you do it?" Silver frowned. "We just got peace, and now it's going to be wasted"

I gulped, "I...wanted to see him again"

"I understand your pain, but this is far bigger than you two reuniting, Infinite is back once again" Knuckles rubbed his temples. "Not to mention Eggman"

"We travelled through cities to begin the evacuations, we told everyone to be prepared but to not panic and they complied thankfully" Sonic explained beside me. "This is not all Gadgets fault"

"He's right, it was Eggman who introduced that reviving machine" Tails spoke up. "He didn't know what would happen when Zero was revived, we can't blame him on something he had no control over"

"He was the one who brought the body to the doctor though" Shadow grunted.

"But he didn't know of the memory loss that came with the revival" Sonic added, sending a sharp glare at Shadow - who returned the glare.

"Even so, Infinite has returned" Knuckles interfered. "So, we need to take him out as quickly as possible to prevent further loss of life and damage to the cities"

"Right, what about destroying the ruby?" Tails asked. "That's the source of his power, after all"

"Good luck trying to get an inch closer to that ruby" Shadow chuckled. "He won't let you within meters of that jewel, not to mention you'd probably be dead before you got the chance to destroy it"

"Maybe Gadget could do it?" Rouge tilted her head. "After all, we all know they have a thing for eachother" she winked at me, making me hide my face embarrassingly.

I sighed, "Infinite doesn't remember me, he'll just see me as another mobian trying to stop his plans..."

"But you could talk to him, try to see through the façade he puts on" Sonic persuaded. "You managed to do it once, you can definitely do it again"

"I don't want to hurt him..." I mumbled. "I don't know how his body will react when the ruby is destroyed, he nearly died when I first seen him a month ago in Eggman's old fortress"

"But he lived, he survived then so he will survive now" Knuckles sighed. "All we're doing is destroying the ruby, we don't need to do anything else and Eggman is easily dealt with"

I sighed deeply, rubbing my forehead. "Fine, but I need something to smash the ruby with, it's a very tough jewel"

"You can use my hammer" Amy flashed a smile, walking to the weaponry to grab her humongous hammer. She came back, holding the hammer like it was as light as a feather before giving it to me.

I yelped from the sudden weight on my arms and almost fell over, "Woah! It's...heavy" I struggled for a few minutes before getting used to the weight.

"It can destroy virtually everything so don't worry about needing to get through anything" Amy shrugged and giggled. "That hammer will smash through walls if needs be"

"Thanks, Amy" I smiled at her.

"Okay team! We have our roles. Silver and Sonic, cover Gadget" Knuckles explained. "Shadow, Rouge and Omega can destroy the illusions and robots that may appear in the cities. Espio, Vector and Charmy will help with mobians who have gotten lost or need directions to the bunkers. Me, Tails and Amy will stay here and report any information through the earpieces"

"Got it!" The group dispersed in their teams and left the base.

I followed Sonic and Silver towards the city, hoping to find Infinite before he starts to kill anybody.

The journey there was exhausting - only due to the fact that I was carrying a hammer almost twice the size of myself and it was super heavy.
How am I going to swing this if I can barely carry it?

"There!" Silver exclaimed suddenly, making me jump from my trance.

I looked towards the city and saw a familiar figure coated in a red glow. That long tail is unmistakable.

"Let's go, we'll provide some covers from illusions while you try to strike the ruby" Sonic grinned before speeding off with Silver towards Infinite. I gulped heavily, here goes nothing...

Following the pair into the city, I looked at what my Zero had become.
He's not my Zero. I was attacked by a stray robot and quickly smashed it with the hammer, not realising that I managed to swing the weight until the robot was smashed into the floor.

Huh, I guess this hammer is quite light when I'm not realising it.

I headed over to the main scene where Sonic was already chatting to the hovering jackal. Silver was on the ground, so I assumed he got struck by something but he got up after a few seconds.

"Well, well, I see you have returned" Infinite pushed his mask up his muzzle, looking directly at me. "I can sense your fear, you reek of it"

I shook my head, don't be scared, Gadget, just one hit is all it takes. This is not the Zero you love, not yet anyways.

"No, we're here to stop you before you destroy the cities and kill innocents!" I growled, clutching the hammer beside me. "I'm going to end this"

"Really now? Pity, I was just beginning to have fun" Infinite chuckled. "You really think you can stop me?"

"Yes." I narrowed my eyes. "I won't let your tyranny destroy these cities!" I swung my hammer roughly, but Infinite teleported away; dodging the attack before kicking me to a wall. I groaned from the blow and rubbed my head, feeling a bit dizzy as my head struck the concrete wall. I felt blood trickle down my head and winced, "Ow..."

Infinite landed in front of me, his shoes gently touching the ground. "Pathetic, you're not even worth the effort to kill." he turned and left the scene, Sonic chased him but he gave up to check if I was okay.

I sat up and touched my head, blood dripped down my glove, "Shit"

"We need to go back, you're injured" Sonic sighed, "I'll carry you, Silver can you grab the hammer?"

"Yeah, I got it" Silver grabbed the hammer as Sonic whizzed me off to HQ.

When we got to the base, I was taken immediately into the medical room to be treated. It took a few hours, and some extensive checking of my head before I was told to rest up. They bandaged my head to stem the bleeding and left me in the room.

I wondered about Infinite, and what he was doing right now; what he was thinking. I guess I always wondered about that even before we became lovers.

There was just something about him that fascinated me.

I wonder...

I wonder if I lure him to the graves we made of his squad, would he remember me?

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