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Date: 12/12/15 

Charlotte's P.O.V. 

I was in the living room with my hot, sexy, billionaire boyfriend James Williams. If you didn't figure out I'm just with him for his title at school and his worldwide fame and I'm loving it. 

I know that braty kid that is my sister has a huge crush on my man. But I had to get with him first and I love to see Lexi get her feelings crushed. *smirks* 

Beside you wouldn't want to be with her,  when you can be with me. I'm sexy, hot, popular and people want my sexy body and everyone loves me. 

James and I are popular in school and I'm getting famous with his last name that he is the biggest billionaire, I felt him kissing my neck which felt good but he doesn't know that I'm using him. 

I'm dating a older guy who's in college and we have alot in common, people pissed me off. Them thinking that we only care about ourselves and that we couldn't be like Lexi who actually cares about people and there feelings and has a heart. Give me a fucking break *rolls eyes* 

Just then my mom walks into the room with her hands on her hips looking annoyed at something. 

"Char go wake up your sister" my mom said, 'don't compare me with that ugly bitch,mother' 

I rolled my eyes at her with annoyed look 

"Do I have to wake up that bitch" I asked her even more annoyed with her. 

"Yes and if she doesn't get up she will be punish." Mom said putting a smirk on my and James face. 

This should be great

James and I climb up the stairs to Lexi's door slamming it open with bang

I walked over to her bed and shouted in her ear still with a smirk on my face 

"Hey slut get up now! " 

"NO" Lexi shouted back at me

Who does she think she is shouting at me!?

"Don't talk to me like that or you will see something ugly"  I said putting my hands on her neck while saying that choking her till James stop me. 

Trust me this bitch is going to see it one of these days 

I got onto her bed grab her by the hair with her crying to stop what was coming  and started slapping her and threw her down on the floor pinning her down. 

"Listen here bitch it's time to get up or your going to get even more of a punish " I yelled at her pissed off slapping her again. 

"Charlotte I don't know who your calling a bitch beside yourself. Now get your slutty ass off my best friend or you and your mother will get what's coming" what sound like Lexi's best friend Chloe. 

'great what's this whore doing here!' 

I rolled my eyes  I don't give a fuck! 

I got off the slut and gave her confident little friend a death glare 

"Shut up Chloe " I yelled at her 

"Make me you whore!" Chloe said getting up in my face 

I grab James hand and we went up to Lexi and slapped her hard on the cheek and left the room well I stomp into my room with him. 

We had "protective" sex


Damn him! 

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