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Date: 12/19/15 

Lexi's P.O.V. 

This week I have moved out of Kelly (mother)'s house. 

Charlotte and her were pissed off about it but it won't be long till I'm back in that house and redo everything so it's not pink. 

Chloe handed the cops some of the recording that we have. 

On what Kelly and Charlotte been talking about behind James and I's back. But the cops kept telling us that has 2 other people who is helping with this case to find Lexi Styles. 

Speaking about James we haven't talk and what I heard from Brandon was that Charlotte took 20 thousand and put it into hers. 

No shocker there! 

I knew she would do something like that! 

This whole thing is mess up! 

With everything the case which the girl sounds alot like me in some ways 

But it can't be me right!? 

James keeps calling and texting me but I just annoy him 

Chloe and Brandon is forcing me to go to the Christmas ball with them. 

They said that there might be something exciting to watch and since I'm a free women and don't have to listen to the bitch and her daughter anymore! 

I was at a coffee shop  right in front of me was a newborn baby boy and a lady and I look alot like her. 

Could she be my mom? 

That's in possible

My mom hates my guts and makes me do everything 

Cuz she's fucking lazy! 

What if I'm the long lost daughter of that family? 

What if I'm Lexi Styles?

I keep thinking about the what ifs till I realize that I was at there table. 

"Yes love" the lady said to me with a smile on her face. 

"Hi, I was just wondering by any chance are you my real mom?" I ask her biting my lip nervously. 

She stood up with he carrier that her son was in 

"You will find out very soon dear" she said and left the shop with her son. 

I stood there confuse with two thoughts in my head 

1: Has my life been nothing but a lie? 

2:  I'll find out very soon? 


What the fuck is going on! 

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